Sunday, December 25, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Fall 2016 Recap

Merry Christmas! I have had quite the fun weekend and I hope you enjoyed yours as well, regardless of the holiday you celebrate. Today we are compiling all of Fall 2016 #hairoftheweek into one big post. I like to think of it as an art gallery but just my hair.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Book Talk: December Uppercase Review

I'm always excited for my monthly Uppercase Box but this one crept up on me. There's been a lot going on any I have a sneaking suspicion that the less I think about a box, the better it will be. It'll be a challenge but I am willing to put that theory to the test if it means my boxes could potentially as amazing as this one.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

#hairoftheweek: {Bonus} Candy Cane Braid

Time to top off the #hairoftheweek season with our Bonus hairstyle! The last couple years' Bonus hairstyles have been for our annual family Christmas party. Due to some scheduling conflicts, we had to push it back a week so this hairstyle is just floating in the void. It's fine by me, but y'all may never know how I do my hair for the party...

Sunday, December 11, 2016

#hairoftheweek: #tbt Feathered Fishtail

For some reason this season has been more hectic than others. I couldn't seem to keep up with anything in any part of my life but we're at the tail-end of the quarter so I just have to power through this last stretch to make it to the godsend that is winter break.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Book Talk: November Wrap Up

Oof. My reading months are looking worse for wear. Despite reading fewer books in November, I'm not feeling as meh about this month as I did about October, maybe because I was very excited about and loved every single book I read this month. It really picked me up out of my not-slump. Having some time off of school reinvigorated me. It's much needed energy as well considering I am currently so far away from completing my Goodreads Reading Challenge...

Sunday, December 4, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Deconstructed Fishtail

I am here to forewarn you that I did not give my all for this hairstyle. I'm still proud of it because I think it looks cool and I enjoyed wearing it, but I am simply too exhausted to be giving my all to anything. Not a good place to be in a mere week away from finals. At this point I just have to rest when I can and study and write when I can't. In two weeks it'll all be over. Music to my ears, truly.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Happy Hub: Doctor Strange, Moana, Thanksgiving, & More!

I'm confused... November is already over? Has another month really gone by as I slaved away doing homework and not finding time to read??? It wasn't all for naught. There were a bunch of things worth being happy about and I made sure to not forget about them as I worked my butt off.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Infinity Braid

I hope everybody had a lovely long weekend and I certainly hope you put it to good use! I try my best to be thankful everyday but it's something that can so easily slip our minds. It's good to have a reminder during the holidays when it's tempting to take for granted what you have or to lust after things you don't (I'm looking at you, Black Friday). It's also a nice time to spend with friends and family you haven't seen in a while. Quality time is hard to come by these days.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Travelog: Norwegian Escape Cruise

Boy, it has been a minute since summer. This Travelog is more than a little late, I know, but I had a hard time getting all the pictures together and then organizing them. It didn't help that I had two trips right after this one that made this cruise seem like a distant memory. Alas, these are all excuses. What's important is that it is here and ready for you to read now. I now present to you our 2016 cruise on the Norwegian Escape.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Feathered Fishtail

I just endured four full weeks of grueling academics. There was always something coming up in less than a week that I had to prepare for so I haven't had a real day off in a month. I don't have any more major things coming up until finals week so fingers crossed I can find some time between now and then to relax and work the stiffness from my neck and shoulders.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Book Talk: November Uppercase Review

The announcement that this month's Uppercase Boxes would be shipping early came at a time when I really needed some good news. Just knowing that it was coming was a sliver of hope, but then to find out I'd be getting it a week early? They heard my cry for help and answered it not a moment too soon. This month's selections are A+.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Knotted Side Braid

It's been a taxing month so far and we're not even at the halfway mark yet. We are getting closer to the holiday season and I'm hoping that will bring some joy into all our lives. Sure, it'll be stressful, but at least it'll be the type of stress that's worth it. I know I'm ready to dive head first into the Christmas spirit. Gift giving, family time, and sweater dresses? That has my name written all over it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Coping Through the 2016 Election

This post is not like any blog post you've seen on xo, Yvette thus far. I, along with many other Americans, have been experiencing a lot of negative emotions lately and they're stronger now than ever before. When I started this blog, I wanted it to be a place where I could document all the things, both big and little, that make life worth living. I also try my best to keep things on a lighter note and cultivate a positive environment, but it's harder to do that when something cataclysmic occurs. Since I understand that my feelings are valid (no matter how many people try to tell me otherwise), I let myself feel them, but it can be immensely draining and we all need to find a way to cope with the emotions being thrown our way. I'll take a quick break to dry my tears and to clear my nasal passages before taking a deep breath and sharing my methods for coping with this election.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Knit Sweater Braid

It's been a weird week but at least I kicked it off on a positive note with a very comfy hairstyle. That was a good call on my part because I ended up really needing that comfort. At least we've got some short weeks coming up! The holiday season always comes through for me. I'm already so excited for Christmas, but I'm getting way ahead of myself. Let's come back to the present and this Knit Sweater Braid, why don't we?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Book Talk: October Wrap Up

If you were to ask me to sum up my reading month in one word, I would choose the word pitiful. I've fallen so far behind my Goodreads Reading Challenge it's embarrassing and it's not even because I'm in a reading slump! I crave to be reading all the time but my schoolwork and exhaustion doesn't allow it.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Carousel Braid

One exam early in the week can really throw off your groove, no matter how well you do. Seriously, I was in a daze all week just barely getting through the day and hardly remembering all the things I needed to do. One of those things being #hairoftheweek. I mean, is it still procrastination if you honestly forgot that it was something you had to do? Somehow I think that might be worse... At least I got to it eventually, right?

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Happy Hub: Newsies, Museum of Glass, Hamilton's America, & More!

So you may have noticed I didn't post a Happy Hub for September. Maybe you didn't. Either way, this is a weird Happy Hub for me. I feel like I've got a lot to write about but at the same time it also feels like I've got nothing. I'm not sure where this month went. (I actually do know where this month went and it all went to Newsies. More on that under the cut!)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Book Talk: October Uppercase Box Review

I finally got to open my Uppercase Box! I got the shipping confirmation last Friday and I was so excited to get my hands on it, only to find out it was arriving on Monday, the day after I'd gone back to school. I had to endure a whole week of  knowing I have my Uppercase Box while not having it at the same time. It was, in the words of Cinderella and Rapunzel's princes, agony.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Twist Tail

What? A #hairoftheweek post on a Wednesday?! Something's up. That something is a book box that I won't have access to until the weekend so I have to switch up my week a little bit and bring you #hairoftheweek a little earlier than planned, I hope you don't mind.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Micro Accent Five Strand

Last week I did a hairstyle that was originally supposed to incorporate a five strand braid but that was a skill I did not yet have. Instead of frustrating myself, I opted for a four strand instead. It worked out just fine but it got me thinking. Why not try a five strand on its own? Certainly it'd be easier to control with more substantial chunks of hair to work with. And so I chose to tackle the challenge of the five strand braid for this week's #hairoftheweek.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Book Talk: Good Book, Bad Cover Recommendations

We all know the saying "don't judge a book by its cover" and there is definitely a reason for it. These days publishing houses have a better understanding of what their readers want in a book cover but sometimes we still end up with some pretty cringe-worthy ones. Thankfully there are some books that were saved by a mid-series or post-series cover change (the reverse is the most heartbreaking thing in the industry) such as Anna and the French KissThrone of Glass, and Shatter Me. Not all series are so fortunate, no matter how good they are.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Stacked Four Strand Fishtail

My first full week of school this year. It's already wild. I'm going to have to do some rearranging in my life to find a place for blogging but it'll be so worth it when I do. I've never had a schedule like this before so it's a new experience all around. At least I can count on finding and practicing a hairstyle every week to keep me on track.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Book Talk: September Wrap Up

Are you ready for a sad Wrap Up? Not sad because of the books I read or anything, but because I only read six books... and two of them didn't even hit 300 pages. It's the price you have to pay to travel, though, so I can't complain. I'll just have to work extra hard in the next three months to make up for lost time and catch up to my Goodreads Reading Challenge. There's still hope!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Braided Pull Through

Aaaaand, we're back! It feels like a while since I've sincerely sat down and blogged what with my summer being all over the place but it feels good to be typing. There are a few blog posts in the pipeline that need some work but you can expect to see those in the coming weeks. For now, we'll carry on with our regularly scheduled programming.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Book Talk: September Uppercase Box Review

Usually I am counting down the days til my next Uppercase Box but I've been a little preoccupied this past month. That didn't stop me from squealing in delight when I received my "your package has shipped!" email and realized I would have a lovely surprise when I got home.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Book Talk: Intergalactic Book Tag

Blogging on the road can be a but of a struggle, but I found the time to put together this fun book tag for this week! I love space and I love books and there is no wrong way to combine the two. Who cares that this tag was popular months ago? Space and books are always on trend.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Book Talk: August Wrap Up

Between the Olympics and my trip, I didn't think I would get to as many books as I did. Somehow I managed to find time for a rather heavy reading load. I guess it helped that I had the last of my summer class in the first half of the month so that freed up some much needed time to catch up. Usually I'm able to keep four or five books ahead of my Goodreads Reading Challenge but I've been in the red all year. It's a little discouraging. It averages to about two books a week though I think if I'm smart and choose my books wisely, I can make it happen.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Happy Hub: Tunes Haul, Suicide Squad, Olympics, & More!

It's been quite the eventful month for me, but this kind of thing only happens once every two years (and I only get to fully watch every four years because school) so I can make an exception for not really doing anything this month. You'll find that this is a fairly long Happy Hub. I was surprised when it turned out to be this much but when you wake up early to, say, watch the Olympics, you have more time in the day in general. Hmm, maybe I should start waking up earlier... I'll think about it. For now, let's get on to the things that made me happy this month!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Book Talk: August Uppercase Box Review

My usual go-to summer reads are light, cutesy contemporaries. You can imagine my surprise when I looked at the books I've read so far this entire year and discovered I haven't read a single one. The closest I got was Girl Against the Universe and I guess that could count, but still. We're eight months in and I've only read one. That's unacceptable. This is where Uppercase Box comes in and saves the day. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Book Talk: Olympics Book Tag

Tonight is the Closing Ceremony and I'm not sure if I'm ready to let it go. It's been a great Games and Pyeongchang can't come a moment too soon. I don't know if I'll ever be able to watch an Olympics as thoroughly as I have Rio ever again. Winter Games are during the school year and by the time Tokyo 2020 comes around, I'll be out of school entirely. Do I really want to take two weeks off work to watch the Olympics? I guess I just have to make the most of Prime Time... But I digress. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, I have complied a bunch of books for a tag inspired by the most inspirational event of all: the Olympics.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Yve Eats: Avocado Corn Salad + Baked Churros

Join us as we progress in our cooking chronicles (that would've been a nice name for this series of blog posts) and venture away from the continent of Europe and take something a little closer to home. Mikaela and I decided on Mexico as our theme country for this meal and we included the caveat of having minimal cheese. The biggest challenge was finding a recipe we could make on short notice that fulfilled our requirements but no challenge is impossible.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Book Talk: July Wrap Up

This past month I've felt like I've been in a reading slump but you wouldn't know that based on my book count. Just imagine all the books I could've read if I were on top of my game. Sigh... I think it didn't help that some of the books I read this month were just meh. I enjoyed every book I read, but there weren't as many books that made me squeal or feel strong as I like to read. I guess you'll have to read more about it under the cut!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Happy Hub: Star Trek, Sweeney Todd, Yve Eats, & More!

In my 20 years, it's been a rare occurrence for me to be home for the month of July. It's usually the time when we're off on our family trip. I missed a lot of birthdays this way (sorry July babies). Since I have school this summer, we are stuck at home until the quarter is over. Thank goodness my school is on the quarter system so the school year doesn't start until almost October. #blessed. Until then, I have a lot of moments to maximize and I for sure had at least three this month. It's been a lot of school and cleaning, guys. Enough of my jabber. Let's get to the things that broke the monotony this month!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Yve Eats: Spanakopita + Greek Orzo Lemon Chicken Soup

I'm starting to get the hang of working in the kitchen (rather than just dealing with dishes and scouring the fridge for a snack) and I thought it'd be a good idea to tackle two recipes at once. It ended up being a lot of running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I can't say it wasn't worth it, though. It's safe to say I'd do anything for Greek/Mediterranean food and doing laps around the kitchen wielding a knife and/or a carrot is one of the milder of those anythings.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Book Talk: July Uppercase Box Review

When I opened my box this month, I screamed. I love me some stationary and both goodies this month are stationary! Combine my excitement over that with this month's book? It's a good box, alright. I thought June's box would be hard to beat but evidently that's a challenge Uppercase has no problems conquering.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Yve Eats: Turkey Pesto Lasagna

Immediately after the first round of ratatouille, my mom put in a request for lasagna. She really wasted no time. It certainly made my and Mikaela's job easier when it came to deciding what to make next. I set out to find a good recipe aka looking up a bunch of different recipes and taking bits and pieces from each one to build the ultimate lasagna. It's not as easy as it sounds since everybody seems to have their own "best" and "most delicious" way of making it. It took a lot of cross-referencing, but I'm quite satisfied with the results and everybody who has gotten a taste seems to agree.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Yve Eats: Ratatouille

I'm a fan of Disney and Pixar but that's not news. I mean, who isn't? While that's pretty much common knowledge, something you might not know is that there are two Pixar movies tied at number one for my favorite. I managed to combine both of them into one delicious dinner that was pretty much made for summer. This meal has been a long time coming and I've already made it again after my first go at it! I know you've been wanting to try this dish as much as I have so let's get to it!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Book Talk: June Wrap Up

I am warning you now: grab some snacks or a drink and warm up your scrolling fingers because this is a long post. Situate yourself in a comfy chair and keep your library card in reach in case any of the books I read in June strike your fancy. There are a couple really good ones in here. I actually read more stories than books this month, which may sound strange, but totally possible. Click that "read more" to see what I'm going on about!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Happy Hub: X-Men, Finding Dory, 7/27, & (a lot) More!

Writing this month's Happy Hub felt a little strange. I was so busy towards the end of May that my May Happy Hub didn't end up seeing the light of day until mid-June. In effect, it feels like my June was only two weeks long. Surely that's not enough to fill an entire Happy Hub? (I was wrong. It's more than enough.)

Sunday, June 26, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Spring 2016 Recap

Recaps are always a lot of fun for me to write. It's like a walk down memory lane for the last twelve weeks. I get to see all the nice photos I've taken of my hairstyles while I talk about them some more and give you my insights after being weeks or months removed from these hairstyles. I like to think of these as a final portfolio of sorts. I mean, I do write one up at the end of every academic quarter. Thank goodness this is a lot more fun.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Book Talk: June Uppercase Box Review

Before I had subscribed to any subscription boxes, I thought the month wait for the next box would be torture but, this time at least, it was the perfect interval. There was enough time for me to read the previous month's book without feeling rushed as well as a short enough span afterwards that went by too quickly for me to get restless. I think this box actually shipped early because they advertise that the boxes will go out on the fifteenth every month but it was in my mailbox by the sixteenth. Score.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

#hairoftheweek: {Bonus} X-Bun

Happy Father's Day! I'd love to be in full celebration mode, but it's hard to when I have school tomorrow. School? In summer? Blasphemy. I'm grateful that it's online because I won't have to change out of my pj's, but I'm also worried I won't have a lot of motivation since it's online... Oh well. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Hopefully my productive side kicks in and I get stuff done. I've got a lot of things to get to this summer and I guess this class will just have to be one more thing on my list.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Happy Hub: 20th Birthday, Civil War, Hamilton, and More!

May is always a big month for me and even having pushed some things into June, I've got a lot to cover. I've already postponed this blog post many times which probably worsened my time management. It's lulled me into a false sense of security. Now that the worst of it is over, it'll be easier to get back on schedule. There's more time for everything in summer.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

#hairoftheweek: #tbt Rapunzel Faux Braid

A large weight has been lifted off my chest. Not only has the pressure of school been (temporarily) relieved, there have also been a lot of exciting things happening since I walked out of my last final of the year. It's an all-around good situation. It feels good to be able to finally have some time to read and sleep and relax. Time is such a precious commodity. It always seems to be just out of reach when you need it most...

Sunday, June 5, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Multistrand Pull Through

The end of the school year is coming up real fast and I am being bombarded by pretty much everything. In a time when I should be shutting myself in my room to study, I've got presentations to prepare, award ceremonies to attend, and high school teachers to visit. I'm not complaining, it's just a lot more stimulus than I'm used to. All that on top of the super summery weather we've been having (especially after that chilly May) makes for a very unfocused Yvette. Finals aren't that important, right? Scratch that. They totally are. Time to get my head in the game... after I talk about the season's final #hairoftheweek.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Book Talk: May Wrap Up

I've experienced a lot this past month, whether it be fictional or in real life, and while I feel like I could've read more, I'm not unhappy with my progress. I do need to be more proactive on checking off some books off my Popsugar Reading Challenge. From the looks of my bookshelf and my holds coming in from the library, I'm looking at at least two books crossed off the list! Until then, we can talk about the books I read in the month of May!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

#hairoftheweek: {Birthday} Four Strand Waterfall Spume

Happy Memorial Day weekend! It may be five days after my actual birthday, but that won't stop me from celebrating it all weekend long. I mean, what better time is it to talk about my 20th birthday hair? I'll to anything in my power to keep my posts topical and if that means I have to party for three days, so be it. I can already tell you it's been a very rewarding weekend spending lots of time with my closest friends, family, and readers! No Sunday would be complete without a blog post and knowing there are people out there who care about what I have to say makes it all worth while.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Book Talk: My First Uppercase Box Review!

You may be wondering, "Yvette, it's the last Wednesday of the month. Where is your monthly Happy Hub?" Chances are you aren't as aware of the weekdays and where they stand in relation to the month so you probably aren't thinking that. This is my long-winded way of saying that I have rearranged some blog posts for my own selfish reasons (I want my birthday celebration to be included in my Happy Hub, is that so bad?) but it all worked out because I have some new content that I wanted to share with you.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Warrior Braid

This month has not been as warm as I was hoping it to be, but that's okay because I had the foresight to plan ahead and pick out backup outfits for all the big days in case wearing a dress was out of the question. Thankfully I was able to wear the outfit I had envisioned for this week's #hairoftheweek. The matching background was purely coincidental, but I can't help but think it's fate. Why else would those flowers have been planted there years in advance?

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Book Talk: Birthstone Book Tag

Since my twentieth birthday is next week, I thought this would be the perfect time to do the Birthstone Book Tag. The tag was created back in February and that's actually when I started working on this post, but I thought I'd save it for something special. This tag was all over BookTube so I had to follow the paper trail to find the original video by Jay G. The concept for this tag is actually very creative and the prompts really suit the birthstones. That's probably enough talking from me; I'm sure you're simply dying to know what these prompts are and what I answered for them so I'll leave you to it!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Rapunzel Faux Braid

When I first saw what was going on at the back of my head, I knew this hairstyle reminded me of something, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It wasn't until I asked some of my friends what to name this look that it came to me. You know that scene in Tangled where Rapunzel goes into town and gets her hair braided by those adorable little girls? That is exactly what this hairstyle is reminiscent of, despite being much shorter. I might still be floundering for a name if Mikaela hadn't jogged my memory, so kudos to her. I love that this hairstyle is what it ended up being because it's retrospectively inspired by one of my favorite parts of the entire movie. Most of these character-inspired hairstyles seem to come to me and leave me with the task of figuring out what it reminds me of. I do love me a good puzzle.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Happy Hub: Mother's Day Breakfast

All week I've been debating whether to write and publish this post or not. On one hand, I have two midterms really close together, and on the other hand I have somewhat time sensitive content. Once I allowed to let myself put up this post late, I decided to go for it. As you've probably gathered from the title, I want to talk about what my family did for Mother's Day breakfast! In the past I've shared my input, but most of the planning and execution has been up to my dad. This year, I took charge of Mother's Day. The main part of the day for us is preparing and eating breakfast in "bed" (we actually do it in the bathroom, as per our family tradition). I started thinking about what I wanted to do in March and the ideas started coming together last month.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Y-Braid

Happy Mother's Day! I am very excited to spend the day with my mom so I am finishing up this blog post as far in advance as possible. I want to enjoy as much of my weekend as I can before the next round of midterms begin again. It's only going to get busier and busier from here on out. But for now, I'm gonna live in the moment and love and appreciate my mom more than usual.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Book Talk: April Wrap Up

Happy Star Wars Day! I've got a busy day today but that doesn't mean I won't make time to talk about the books I read this month! I've been in a bit of a slump (but not severe enough to sound the alarms) so there aren't as many books as I'd like in this post, but it's definitely not my worst showing. I think the trick at this point is to get read books with some quality romance. This time of year is when I start jonesing for some cutesy contemporary novels. While I didn't get to any contemporary novels in April, click the read more to see what I did end up reading this past month!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Rosette Duo

There have been plenty of sunny days this April but true to the saying, there have also been some stretches of wet days as well. What better time for this hairstyle than the transition from April to May? It's very fitting. This hairstyle has a lot of meaning (mostly because I injected meaning into it) so it's special for that reason.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Happy Hub: Made In The A.M., BvS, Descendants, & More!

I'm riding an academic high with three excellent exam scores among other achievements that have all come at the tail end of this month. I guess that's something that should be included in this Happy Hub, but that's not really something I have a category for. I'm also very excited about the prospect of a warm May. Things are looking up, even though my next round of exams seem to be just around the corner?! I will choose to take that as a good sign because the more of the quarter I finish, the closer I am to summer. Summer! Imagine! No school! Sigh. I can dream about a couple months without (as many) responsibilities as I want, but in the meantime, we have lives to live and Hubs to Happy. Is that a thing? I'm gonna make it a thing. This was ramble-y. On to the favorites of this month!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Double Bubble Fishtail

I didn't know it at the time, but the day I wore this hairstyle was the day Odin Reign Carter was born. My favorite Backstreet Boy has a little Backstreet Boy of his own! I fancy it fate that I wore one of my favorite hairstyles on the Backstreet Baby's literal birthday. Not only that, but the next day, April 20th, was the Backstreet Boys' anniversary! The group is 23 this year. Isn't that crazy?! All that Backstreet news and gorgeous weather plus the three midterms I had this week put me on a stressful roller coaster but the worst of it is behind us for now. Let's get on to the hairstyle!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Traveling Lace Braid

After that gorgeous string of sunny days last week, I don't blame Mother Nature for taking a break. In fact, the cooler weather matched my academic mood more. It's all about stressing about the stress you know is coming. That theory doesn't explain this week, though. The climbing temperatures just seem like torture for the first round of midterms. My silver lining is knowing that by the end of Wednesday, that will be three fewer exams I have to take.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Book Talk: 25 Bookish Facts About Me

I love watching Booktube, the book community on Youtube, and some of my posts are pretty similar to the content you'd find on a Booktuber's channel. Surprisingly enough, one of the things I haven't tried yet are book tags. Since I have a couple open slots, I thought I'd have a go at one. This one is 25 Bookish Facts About Me, which originated on a channel that seems to have taken the video down. I followed the paper trail and it led me to a "This video is unavailable." page so that was fruitless. At least I tried. This tag is pretty self-explanatory so I'll just cut to the chase and get on with the facts!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Mermaid Pull Through

I can't believe it's only the first week of April and we already have such summery weather. The first half of the week was still a bit chilly but Thursday, Friday, and the weekend were definitely sundress weather. As a whole, this week felt like a condensed representation of winter transitioning into spring. Very symbolic. I'm just excited to be able to slip on a flowy dress and twirl to my heart's desire.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Book Talk: March Wrap Up

What a month. My March was broken up into two distinct parts. The first half seems like years ago and the second half was a turbulent combination of finals week and spring break. Personally, I feel like I branched out a little bit this month. I mean, they're all books I was already planning on reading, but a couple of them are not the genre I typically reach for. Regardless of genre, I enjoyed reading every single book in this post. I got to revisit some familiar worlds as well as introduce myself to some new ones.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

#hairoftheweek: French Four Strand Accent

The way schedules work out between Winter and Spring leaves no time for rest in between the seasons but I'm more than happy to jump right in. There are so many amazing hairstyles out there just waiting for me to try them. It's only the first week and we're already having such warm, sunny weather. We've been having a warm winter so fingers crossed for a warm Washington spring as well. Lord knows we don't get it as often as we deserve.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Happy Hub: Zoya Rikki, Eddie the Eagle, Zootopia, & More!

We made it through another month! It feels like March has dragged its feet. It's been stressful, even though spring break made up with a fourth of it, and things starting up again for spring quarter. Only three more months until summer! As we look to the future, we cannot forget to live in the present. What better way to do that than by reading this month's Happy Hub?!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Winter 2016 Recap

We've reached that point of the season where it's time to close it out and gear up for the upcoming season. I've compiled all twelve #hairoftheweek posts into this Recap to make things a bit easier for you. Hopefully you didn't miss any of them as the season went on but if you somehow did, this is your chance to catch up! There's also some extra information about each hairstyle that was not included in their original blog posts so let's get to it!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

#hairoftheweek: {Bonus} Boho Lace Tieback

Since I'm on spring break and it's the end of a #hairoftheweek season, we're switching things up a bit. I'm bringing the bonus #hairoftheweek to you mid-week, and I hope you don't mind because we've got a big one headed our way this Sunday. I don't have time to come up with a hairstyle and go through the whole #hairoftheweek process over spring break as well as close out the season so my solution is to do the bulk of the work the summer before. Let it be known that I love to plan ahead.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

#hairoftheweek: #tbt Braid Flip Combo

I can't believe we've blasted our way through another ten hairstyles! While the quarter itself took its sweet time, each #hairoftheweek came and went pretty quickly. Either way, I'm so relieved it's spring break. This is some much deserved rest, if I do say so myself. I need me some R&R. The best way to do that is by trying out some new hairstyles, right?

Sunday, March 13, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Skeleton Braid

Dead week more like dead me. My brain knows I should be more stressed than I actually am (what is it with the lack of urgency of dead weeks this school year?!) so to make up for it, it's decided to make me a complete sloth. This week has been the most unproductive all quarter. Maybe I've burned myself out? At least there's one part of my life that isn't suffering, and that's my hair game. Not to brag, but I think this season turned out pretty great. I can officially say that since this is the final #hairoftheweek before the Fan Favorite! But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We've still got to take a look at the Skeleton Braid!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Book Talk: Beauty and the Beast Recommendations

It seems like everywhere you look these days there are fairytale retellings. It's a good thing I'm the last person you'd find complaining about it. I have, however, noticed that a good portion of said retellings are inspired by Beauty and the Beast in some way. I like to think I've read a fair amount of fairytale retellings and it took me by surprise just how many of them can be linked back to Beauty and the Beast. It's hard to come up with a well-done, original retelling without taking elements from other fairytales but it's not impossible, as you'll see in some of these recommendations in this post. I think you'll be amazed by the many different directions these authors have chosen to take their retellings of the same story. I certainly was.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Big Dutch Halo

The weather is gradually warming up, the flowers are blooming, the sun is setting later, and I have to start putting away my sweaters or risk overheating in class. Looks like Punxsutawney Phil was right, spring is here early! It's a good thing, too, because I have been itching to get to some hairstyles I've had saved up but wanted to wear in spring. This week's hairstyle just happens to be one of them! I fell so completely in love with this hairstyle when I discovered it that I wanted to wear it as an official #hairoftheweek as soon as possible.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Book Talk: February Wrap Up

In retrospect, February felt long. It did feel a little slow during the month, but looking back, it's as if the books I read at the beginning of the month were books I read a year ago. I've been so immersed in all these adventures that it feels as though I've lived all their lives. Collectively, that's a lot of lifetimes. I am very happy with the books I chose to pick up this month. I think I got a good mix of everything and every book hit its mark. If you want to find out more about these fantastic books, keep on reading!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Mosaic Braid

It feels like just a year ago the Internet went berserk over the dress that either blue and black or white and gold. Wait, that was a year ago. I just got this dress (in the same package as the dress I wore last week) and the first time Gordon saw it, he blurted out, "Is that blue and black or white and gold?" It brought back some great memories of frantically asking around to confirm everybody around you could see the same colors and you weren't going insane. Personally I saw black and blue for the most part (I was most likely influenced by the Backstreet Boys and their Black and Blue album) but once I glanced at it on Twitter and I saw white and gold. That was the only time. I'm convinced there was more than one version circling the web. Since this meme brought as many people together as it tore apart, this week's #hairoftheweek was carefully planned to land on the exact one year anniversary. I thought it was an important enough holiday that we should be commemorating it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Happy Hub: Nine Track Mind, Deadpool, Zoya Blaze, & More!

A word of advice: grab a drink and/or a snack. You've got a long blog post ahead of you. February is the shortest month of the year (even if we do have one extra day this year) and according to my Happy Hub, I made the most out of it. I've written more than I meant to -- I wonder if that says more about my faves or about how I feel about my faves. I won't take up any more of your time with the intro, you've got plenty of reading ahead of you. Gear up and click the read more!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Wednesday Addams | Double Inverse Fishtails

Last season I did a Khaleesi-inspired hairstyle and it was so well received, I knew I had to think up some more hairstyles based on characters we all know and love. A month ago, Abercrombie put their clearance on sale and it was an offer I couldn't refuse. This dress was one that I ordered and it just came in last week. The moment I tried it on, I knew what had to be done. Wednesday Addams has been on my mind since I saw the Addams Family Musical in November and all the pieces were falling into place for this week's hairstyle.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Book Talk: Companion Recommendations

So far, we've covered recommendations for stand alones and duologies. Today I'm bringing you some of my favorite companions. You might be asking, "what are companion novels?" My answer to you would have to be, "amazing." Companion novels are books that are set in the same world, but focus on a different set of characters. Usually the protagonists in one novel are secondary characters in its companion. One of the best things about companion novels is that they allow you to better explore a world, which is fantastic for fantasy and science fiction, by giving you multiple perspectives on the same issue or setting. We all know the feeling of reading a series that's dragging itself out but you're too invested to quit. It's a real problem. Thankfully, you won't find yourself encountering that problem with companions since every book is pretty much a fresh start. With that, let's jump into my companion recommendations! 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Messy Heart Bun

Happy Valentine's Day! Since I am my own Valentine this year, I thought I'd celebrate by treating myself with a gorgeous heart hairstyle (plus curled hair!). This hairstyle took a little more effort than ones I've done in the past but I've found that many agree it was time well spent. Hopefully this will help you if you need a last minute Valentine's Day hairstyle or if you just want to look cute any other day of the year -- and trust me, you will look cute in this hairstyle.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Book Talk: Popsugar 2016 Reading Challenge

Last year when I had just started my blog, one of my first Book Talks was my list for Popsugar's 2015 Reading Challenge. While I had a lot of fun choosing books to fit each prompt, I'm going to get it out there and over with: I did not complete the challenge. I did not even come close. Some of that had to do with the fact that there were books that I couldn't access through my library system and it was also partially because some of the books were too far out of my comfort zone, but the biggest factor in my failure to complete the challenge was simply that I forgot about it.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Four Strand Crown

You would not believe the creative rut I was in this week. Usually when this happens I can just look at hair accounts on Instagram to find some inspiration but even that wasn't doing the trick. No matter how many tutorials I tried, my hair did not want to cooperate. I even tried coming up with some things myself but none of them worked out. My hair was being a problem child this week for sure.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Book Talk: January Wrap Up

I've had a surprisingly productive reading month considering school has started up again. This quarter's day-to-day schedule gives me plenty of opportunity to get the me-time I need to function as a human being in society. It just so happens that my me-time consists entirely of reading. It's been refreshing being able to indulge myself in so many worlds. I'm already doing better than last year especially considering none of these books were read for class, unlike last January. On top of all the time I've had to read, every single book I read this month was good. There was a little disappointment mixed in but that was my own fault for having high expectations. Ready to get to the books I read this month? Click the read more!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Rey's Triple Buns

In the past, I have tried recreating hairstyles I've seen in movies and, for the most part, they've been pretty successful. (I always curse myself for not having enough hair but then everybody reminds me that I'm not actually an animated character... Thanks for knocking some sense into me, I truly appreciate it.) While the most fun hairstyles usually come from animated movies, there are also times when a hairdo from a live action film stands out. The best place to find iconic hairstyles are in fantasy or science fiction films so it should come as no surprise that this week I've tackled Rey's signature triple buns from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It was only a matter of time.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Happy Hub: Get Weird, Serial, The Force Awakens (... again), & More!

With all the homework I have this quarter, I forgot to take note of the things that make me happy. However, that's not to say I haven't been. I'm on a schedule unlike any I've had before (there are days without class until three in the afternoon!) so I'm trying to find time to think about my blog alongside all my other endeavors. With this schedule comes the illusion of having time before a blog post goes up. If you want to read about the things that made me happy this month, click that read more! I'll try to remember as much as I can!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Waterfall Feather Braid

It's been quite an eventful week, especially since on top of everything that's just happened, I have to gear up for an even busier and more stressful week coming up. College doesn't stop for anything. Thankfully I had selected a surprisingly easy hairstyle for this week. This hairstyle may have opened a lot of doors for me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Happy Hub: Most Anticipated 2016 Entertainment

Today I'm going to be trying something new. This will be labelled Happy Hub because everything I mention in this post makes me really happy and excited for the year to come. There's still going to be a regular Happy Hub next week, so think of this as a supplementary post. Every new year brings a lot in the entertainment industry and I am here to eat it all up. While there's plenty to choose from, there are a couple of things that I'm most excited for. In this post, I'm going to be pointing out my most highly anticipated item from each category. Maybe I'll shine some light on something you were previously unaware of and hopefully I can hear some of the things you're most excited for!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Braid Flip Combo

As promised, I used a tutorial this week! I gave Youtube a gander but nothing spoke to me so I decided to go into my archives. Turns out I found the perfect hairstyle for this week a little over a month ago. You go, past Yvette! I really like this hairstyle because it's so cute and casual but there's also a little extra in there to keep it interesting. I hope you like it as much as I do!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Book Talk: Top 15 Books of 2015 & 2015 Wrap Up

I read a lot this year. Like, a lot. I'm gradually working my way up to reading 100 books in one year. That's a tall order. I'm taking it easy and setting realistic goals but I'm still pushing myself. The goal I set at the beginning of 2015 was 80 books but when I completed that in November, I extended it ten more books. I just barely made it, which makes me even prouder of my accomplishment. If you're curious to see what my Year in Books looked like, you can click that link because Goodreads so graciously put it together for me. Now what are you waiting for?! There's a lot to get to under the read more!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Rope Half Halo

Last season I challenged myself to come up with an original hairstyle every week. It definitely wasn't easy but I made it through and I am very proud of myself for that. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but since I'd been thinking up hairstyles for three months straight, it's become a habit. This week's hairstyle was an original that I came up with without thinking about. Even my subconscious wants to keep creating. It'll take some time for me to remember that it's okay to use tutorials now.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Movie Moments: Top 5 Movies in 2015

In the past couple years I've been seeing more movies in theaters and it's become a tradition to catch a flick with my friends or family. Recently there have been more and more movies coming out that interest me, probably because I'm aware of a lot more of the new releases. This year I saw a total of fourteen movies in theaters. That's a lot. I figured that since I spent so much money at the box office, I should at least make a blog post about it. Think of it as research.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Book Talk: December Wrap Up

Happy New Year! I hope you had a fun and safe celebration. It's 2016! It's hard to believe this is my twelfth monthly wrap up and I'm really glad I started xo, Yvette and used it as a way to keep track of my reading. Now I'll be able to remember why I liked the books I did. I also hope you're able to use this as a reference if you need some recommendations or wanted to know what I thought of a book. This was a very successful year for me in terms of my Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenge because I reached my goal of 80, bumped it up ten more books, and reached that goal too! Will 2016 be the year I finally read 100 books?! I guess I'll have to read and see. For now, check out what I read in the final month of 2015 under the read more!