Wednesday, October 19, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Twist Tail

What? A #hairoftheweek post on a Wednesday?! Something's up. That something is a book box that I won't have access to until the weekend so I have to switch up my week a little bit and bring you #hairoftheweek a little earlier than planned, I hope you don't mind.

The Process: 

I had to go back in the archives for this hairstyle. I wanted an easy, interesting side braid to kick off my week and the Double Fishtail Twist from Cute Girls Hairstyles (a few years back) perfectly fit the bill. The original tutorial used regular fishtails but I much prefer inverse fishtails because they're so much easier to control and I find they hold my hair more securely.

The Tutorial:

It's so easy, you'll wonder why you didn't think of yourself! I know I did.. (1) Brush your hair and bring it all over one shoulder. (2) Divide your hair in two equal sections, as if you were going to fishtail braid the whole thing. (3) Put the section closer to your neck to the side (behind your back or over your other shoulder) and inverse braid the remaining section as far as it will go. Tie it off. (4) Bring the other half of your hair back to the same side as your first fishtail and braid that as well. Tie that off as well. (5) Keeping your fishtails flat, twist them starting with the bottom braid over the top. Make sure they're tight up against each other because once you tie them together at the end there will be a little more slack. (6) When you're satisfied with the way your braid looks, release the elastics on the fishtails.

The Result: 

10.17.16 twist tail (x)
The final product reminded me of a double helix, hence the Instagram caption. Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

I decided to go with two inverse fishtails rather than two regular fishtails but there's no reason why you couldn't do one of each. I don't know for sure how it would look but I'd imagine it'd look even cooler than this hairstyle already does. I wonder what it would look like if you were to pancake the braids... Maybe I'll try that out one day when I have time to sit down and play with my hair. One thing I really liked about this hairstyle was how it did a great job of minimizing the ends poking out of the bottom half of the braid. I got a handful of compliments on this hairstyle so I'll definitely be wearing it again. (A fun bonus is the waves it leaves in your hair when you take it out at the end of the day.) It's my duty to give as many people as possible an opportunity to see this hairstyle in person.

When it came time to name this braid, I was deciding between the original name, Double Fishtail Twist, or the Double Inverse Fishtail Twist. I asked around and it was split even down the middle until I asked my brother and he suggested the Twist Tail. It's a pun while still being very descriptive. I was so impressed I switched to that name immediately. As always, remember to follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek! Oh, and the person with the most first likes gets an extra vote for Fan Favorite so don't miss your chance!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. Gordon is more creative than I'll ever be

    1. It's probably all the memes he consumes on a daily basis.

  2. Always good to shake things up. Keep us readers guessing. Very punny!

    1. There are lots of reason why this hairstyle is a special one. Maybe that's why it's my favorite of the season...
