Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Happy Hub: Fifth Harmony, SNL40, Zoya Lux, & More!

If you're familiar with blogs, you'd know that a lot of them do monthly favorites posts and weekly roundups of their favorite links. Happy Hub will be a combination of the two. I'll to be compiling all the things that brought me joy over the last month whether it be music, books, videos, or an event that happened in my life. The plan is to post them on the last Wednesday of every month. Maybe you'll find something here that you missed out on.

If you need to catch up on what's been happening on this blog, click here for some hair, here for some books, and if you're new, these posts here and here should bring you up to speed! Don't forget to follow this blog via email in that box to the right or follow me on bloglovin!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

#hairoftheweek: Woven Fishtail

I hope you've had a good week! If you missed my previous post, I wrote about a reading challenge (click here!) and if you want to get caught up on what #hairoftheweek is all about, this is the post for you. If you're new to this blog, welcome! The best place to start would be with the intro post which you can find here.

Even though I have a post on the backstory of #hairoftheweek, I feel like there is a whole chunk of history missing. The hairstyles are the most essential part of #hairoftheweek and having them all in one place would be more convenient and accessible for everybody. I was thinking about creating archive posts for both of the completed #hairoftheweek seasons and at the end of every future season, I'll compile all of the photos and link to each of their blog posts in one. I was originally thinking of publishing it only after the fan favorite had been chosen but it might be smarter to have all the options up so voting can happen in one place. Afterwards, I could update the post to include the chosen favorite. What do you think would be the best way to go about it? Let me know in the comments!

Also, keep up with #hairoftheweek as it happens by following me on Instagram and follow this blog on bloglovin or by email to ensure you never miss a post!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Book Talk: Popsugar 2015 Reading Challenge

We're well into the year and I have been hard at work on my Popsugar 2015 Reading Challenge. I haven't been one to participate in reading challenges in the past beyond my Goodreads reading goal but I thought I might try something new this year. I usually just read whatever I want, whenever I want, which allows me to stay in my comfort zone. Nothing wrong with sticking to what you know, but I always tell myself that I'm going to try reading more classics or that this is the year I'm going to venture into non-fiction but that never seems to happen.

The Popsugar 2015 Reading Challenge is a list of 50 challenges, one of which is "a trilogy" so the challenge technically calls for 52 books. There are quite a few on the list that are vague enough for me to stay in my comfort zone but just enough to push my limits. I'd rather ease into trying new books rather than diving in headfirst. I could have easily allowed myself to count one book for multiple categories and be done with it in two and a half months, but cheaters never prosper. That being said, I don't think completing this challenge is a realistic goal for me. There are so many new releases I have been anticipating (Magnus Chase, anybody?) that there simply isn't enough time in the year to get to every book I'd like to read. At the end of the day, the books I want to read are the ones that take priority because that really is what makes reading fun.

I would love to show you all 52 books I have selected for this challenge but that was be an impossibly tedious task and I can't imagine it'd be enjoyable for you either. However, I will share a couple of the books I am most excited about and will most likely get to. If you are, in fact, interested, I have added all the books I plan on reading to a shelf on my Goodreads which you can find here. Click the read more to see my top five picks!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

#hairoftheweek: Mermaid Heart Accent

Happy (day after) Valentine's Day!  I hope everybody had a somewhat pleasant day. It was really just another Saturday for me. We had dinner plans with family anyway so there was no time to mope, not that I have anything to mope about. Now would be a good time to head out and grab some discounted chocolate, though.

If you hadn't noticed yet, I've put a "follow by email" box where you can find my links. It's pretty straightforward. Plug in your email and get an email every time I post! It's a no-brainer. If that's not really your style, you can always follow xo-yvette on tumblr or follow me on bloglovin to get the latest on this blog!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Book Talk: January Wrap Up

Ever since the school year started, finding time to read has been a challenge, especially when you have college classes that are heavy on assigned reading. Luckily, my core class this quarter is about graphic novels which is new and exciting for me. On my own, I would never have picked up a graphic novel to read for pleasure, not because I think graphic novels are less than but because they're just so much harder to read. I have to read the words AND look at the pictures?! A girl can only handle so much! Despite my lack of multitasking skills, I actually have quite enjoyed the graphic novels I've been reading.

Comparing January 2015 to January 2014, this year seems a bit underwhelming. I managed to read 13 books in one month. Incredible. Oh, how I long for the free time that came with high school (that's really the only thing I miss about high school though please don't take me back). That being said, I'm pretty proud of the progress I've made so far this year. I'm more or less on track for my yearly reading challenge. Enough of this mumbo jumbo. On to the wrap up!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

#hairoftheweek: Feathered Braid

Ah, yes. Our first official #hairoftheweek post. Before we begin, there a couple things I want to mention. First off, if you're just now joining us, welcome! I have an introduction to the blog here if you want to get caught up. #hairoftheweek-wise we are currently in Week 5 of Season 3 (Winter 2015). If you missed my Wednesday post, and want to know more about #hairoftheweek, click here!

Don't forget, I'm on bloglovin! If you follow me there, you'll get email notifications whenever I post something new (if you so choose) and you can follow all your other favorite blogs and read them all on one platform. Doesn't that sound like something you need in your life?

My current plan is to post every Sunday afternoon at approximately 12:30pm PST and bonus Wednesday posts at around 4:00pm PST. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled, you won't want to miss anything.

Now that we've taken care of the housekeeping bits, we can get on with the fun stuff.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

#hairoftheweek: the Origins

As a general rule, I try to make things a lot harder than they have to be (maybe not try, per-se, but it does end up working out that way most of the time). While #hairoftheweek may seem straightforward, it is and it isn't at the same time. Why oh why must you do this to yourself, Yvette?! Overachiever might be a good word to describe me.

It all started my senior year of high school. At this point in my life, my long, shiny hair was a part of my identity. While I took pride in my hair, I wasn't doing anything with it. Everyday was the same old side pony, high pony, signature braid, or down. I felt like my locks, honestly a blessing to the world, were going to waste. This wasn't an explicit feeling at the time but looking back, it's probably one of the reasons that I started playing with my hair. That, and probably boredom.

One day, I was messing around with my mane and I discovered if you make two rope braids from a single ponytail and twist it a certain way, the rope braids would fit together perfectly and end up forming what looked like chain links of hair.

3.28.14 chain ponytail (x)
I wore it to school and I got so many compliments. That day, I decided that #hairoftheweek was something I was going to do once a week to spice up my hair routine. Knowing so many people enjoyed something I created was so rewarding, especially since I would never in a million years consider myself to be a creative person.

There are a couple rules for #hairoftheweek. First and foremost, no coloring. My gramma, before she passed away, told me to never dye my hair because it would ruin it. I know "dye = damage" is a myth but to honor my gramma, I've decided I will never color my hair. Although colorful hair is really cool, I quite like how my Asian hair changes in different lighting and I can be really subtle with the details of the hairstyles.

Secondly, I try to use as little heat as possible. My hair is naturally stick straight (well, it's wavy when it's not so heavy that it weighs a ton and straightens itself out). This is a blessing and a curse. Heat is very damaging to hair and I don't want to subject my hair to that kind of torture especially since I'm already bad about taking care of the ends of my hair. Sometimes having just straight hair can limit my looks and sometimes it even changes the tone of the hairstyle. (That's probably weird to think about if you aren't familiar with hairdos.) On the other hand, I have used heat, a curling wand, in this case, and it held surprisingly well. I wore the same hairstyle for prom and graduation. So I'm not entirely opposed to heat styling, but not owning any hot tools kinda helps.

6.7/14.14 aurora's twistback (x)

So far, we know that #hairoftheweek happens once a week, I'm not using any color, and heat styling is rare. Another thing to note is that I have seasons, so to speak. My hair philosophy is that it should be shared with the world, so I only do #hairoftheweek on days I go to school. Because of this, I take summers off to recharge and build up my bank of new hairstyles for the coming seasons. When I first started, there were ten weeks left of school. It must have been my destiny to be inspired to start #hairoftheweek when I did because of the way the timing worked out. On top of that, now that I'm in college, I'm on a quarter system rather than semester and that breaks it up into eleven weeks, nice and even. Wait, eleven weeks? I thought you said ten weeks was the perfect amount! You're right. This leads me to my next point.

I consider #hairoftheweek to be the people's project. I like to involve my friends as much as possible and I think that's a fun way to keep everybody excited and caring about #hairoftheweek (I'm not gonna lie, I'm the most indecisive person so their input means the world to me). Most of the final products have been influenced by the opinions of a group of friends through a process I like to call "filter game" (patent pending (not really)).

If you aren't in my ~~super exclusive~~ #hairoftheweek contacts list, there's still a chance to participate! At the end of every "season" I have the people vote for their favorite hairstyle from that season for me to recreate on the eleventh week. Voting is open to anybody and everybody who wants to let me know what their favorite look was. I tally up the votes and the one with the most love gets another feature. Typically, each person gets one vote so they have to use it wisely but there is a secret exception to the rule. I keep track of the first person to like each of my #hairoftheweek posts on Instagram and when it comes to voting time, the person with the most first likes gets a second vote. The winner can choose to use their vote on two different hairstyles or double up on one. This just gives people a little incentive to follow me on Instagram and try to keep up. It's a bit difficult since any day of the week is fair game.

Now that we've got all that background knowledge out of the way, we can take a look at how I plan on doing my blog posts. I say that as if I know what I'm doing. Honestly, I don't know how it's going to work at the moment. I want to explain my thought process and how I felt when learning the hairstyle and I'm also going to include the final product. That's for sure. I also want my #hairoftheweek blog posts to go up on Sundays so no matter what day my Instagram post goes live, you definitely won't miss the post about it here. Other than that, I'm just going to have to see where my writing takes me.

Are you still with me? If you are, congratulations! I have no idea how I managed to write all that let alone having you read it all. I hope now that you know how and why #hairoftheweek began, you'll be as excited as I am for #hairoftheweeks to come.

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Welcome to xo, Yvette!

Wait, what? Yvette is blogging?! As you've probably gathered from my "about me" section, my name is Yvette and that's pretty much it. I find it difficult to capture everything I want you to know about me with a character count. My hope is that you'll get to know me as friends get to know each other - by spending time with one another. I'm constantly trying to find a solid way to document my life that I can stick to. So far, nothing has been able to hold me for long. Fingers crossed that this blog is the one! I don't consider myself a writer and I certainly do not have high expectations for this blog so I hope you don't either, but I will give it my best shot. For the time being, I'm not entirely sure what I want to go on my blog. There are a couple things I am interested in posting about but the rest is really up in the air (I'm also trying to work out a posting schedule so be patient with me).

Things to look forward to...

1) #hairoftheweek

To start, one of my main purposes for creating this blog is #hairoftheweek. It's a series I do on Instagram and I'll get into more detail in my first post dedicated to the subject. Here's my most recent post:
1.24.15 rope accent four strand (x)
I intend to show you not only the final product, but also my inspiration for the hairstyle (if I created it myself) or where I learned to recreate it. The latter is much more common. If you're interested in seeing more of my previous #hairoftheweek creations, scroll through my Instagram and see if anything catches your eye.

2) travelogs

Another series, so to speak, is my travelogs. Traveling has been a huge part of my life and its importance to me could be a post in and of itself. That being said, I wish I would remember to write about them as they happen, or at least right after my trips end. I always tell myself I'll do it soon but soon never comes, does it? I'm not sure how I want to format it yet. They could come as day-by-day journal-style posts or it could be a trip wrap up and reflection. I have some thinking to do, but to get started, I thought I'd share a photo from one of my more recent trips.

Reykjavik's winter solstice sunset (against the Harpa concert hall) (x)
I spent about a week in Iceland in 2014 and it was one of the most amazing places I have ever visited. I couldn't tell you exactly what made me fall so in love with it but the scenery definitely didn't hurt. I was lucky enough to be there during the winter solstice and that 3pm sunset was a sight to behold. My 2014 winter break was really a once in a lifetime experience and the future probably holds a blog post about it. Obviously, travelogs won't be very consistent as I am not traveling 100% of the time but when I am going somewhere, this blog will give me a place to put my thoughts. 

3) miscellaneous 

As I said before, I'm not entirely sure what else I want to put on this blog. Beyond hair and travel, my interests include books, nail polish, and boybands, among other things. I want to try my hand at book talks. You'd think I'd be well versed in the art of book reviews based off the sheer number of books I've read but I definitely do not feel confident enough to venture out that far yet. But I can guarantee you that book talks won't be the only book-related posts. I'll most likely be doing most anticipated new releases, to be read posts, and other posts of the sort. (Check out my Goodreads page!) Movie reviews (I use this term loosely)? Nail polish appreciation? Life things?! The possibilities are endless. Stick around to see what this blog has in store!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette