Sunday, February 22, 2015

#hairoftheweek: Woven Fishtail

I hope you've had a good week! If you missed my previous post, I wrote about a reading challenge (click here!) and if you want to get caught up on what #hairoftheweek is all about, this is the post for you. If you're new to this blog, welcome! The best place to start would be with the intro post which you can find here.

Even though I have a post on the backstory of #hairoftheweek, I feel like there is a whole chunk of history missing. The hairstyles are the most essential part of #hairoftheweek and having them all in one place would be more convenient and accessible for everybody. I was thinking about creating archive posts for both of the completed #hairoftheweek seasons and at the end of every future season, I'll compile all of the photos and link to each of their blog posts in one. I was originally thinking of publishing it only after the fan favorite had been chosen but it might be smarter to have all the options up so voting can happen in one place. Afterwards, I could update the post to include the chosen favorite. What do you think would be the best way to go about it? Let me know in the comments!

Also, keep up with #hairoftheweek as it happens by following me on Instagram and follow this blog on bloglovin or by email to ensure you never miss a post!

The Process:

These last two weeks were jam-packed with holidays. Right after Valentine's Day, there was Presidents' Day and then Thursday was Chinese New Year (also, I hear Mardi Gras and Carnaval were last week?). I decided I would do this week's #hairoftheweek on Thursday to ring in the new lunar year. Since I didn't have school on Presidents' Day, Thursday really snuck up on me. Before I knew it, it was Wednesday and I hadn't practiced the braid once. I did end up making time to practice the hairstyle multiple times that evening, which paid off Thursday morning. I nailed it on the first try and even got through most of my hair instead of stopping at the halfway point (my backup plan for if it didn't turn out the way I wanted).  I don't know if anybody besides me has noticed, but all my hairstyles this season have either been a side braid or something at the back of my head. Let's see if I can continue that trend.

The Tutorial:

I have really been loving Bebexo's tutorials lately and this week's hairstyle is her Woven Fishtail Braid. This one was pretty easy if you know how to make a fishtail braid. There's just an extra step at the beginning and in between the strands. It's also similar to the four-strand braid in the sense that you have to mutter "over, under" under your breath so you don't lose track. The name really says it all. You weave each piece of hair under the middle strand before adding it to the opposite side. As usual, it'd be a whole lot easier to just watch the video.

The Result:

2.19.15 woven fishtail (x)
I like how the center of this braid is reminiscent of the Chinese firecrackers, making it perfect for Chinese New Year. Don't forget to like it on Instagram if you haven't already!

Can you see the resemblance? Kinda?

The Verdict:

I was so mesmerized by this hairstyle that I actually ended up wearing it up until bed time. I was expecting for this to be a delicate braid but it was a lot sturdier than a traditional fishtail. If you have layers it might not stay as well. I definitely found myself staring at it throughout the day because, for some reason, I am fascinated by woven things. Sometimes I try to weave all my fingers together just to see if I can. I have yet to be successful. If you know how to fishtail, you should definitely give this hairstyle a shot. I'd love to see it! Wishing everybody a happy Year of the Sheep/Goat/Ram! 恭喜发财!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette

P.S. Today (February 22nd) is Thais's birthday! She's the most wonderful person so you should go wish her a big happy birthday here! Give her lots of love!

P.P.S. "恭喜发财 " (gōngxǐ fācái) means "wishing you a prosperous year."


  1. I like the idea of archiving all the past hairstyles so that we can admire them all in one place. I also like the idea of compiled end-of-season posts. It would indeed make voting much easier.

    1. Sounds good, I will make note of that. Expect them sometime next month!
