Sunday, February 8, 2015

#hairoftheweek: Feathered Braid

Ah, yes. Our first official #hairoftheweek post. Before we begin, there a couple things I want to mention. First off, if you're just now joining us, welcome! I have an introduction to the blog here if you want to get caught up. #hairoftheweek-wise we are currently in Week 5 of Season 3 (Winter 2015). If you missed my Wednesday post, and want to know more about #hairoftheweek, click here!

Don't forget, I'm on bloglovin! If you follow me there, you'll get email notifications whenever I post something new (if you so choose) and you can follow all your other favorite blogs and read them all on one platform. Doesn't that sound like something you need in your life?

My current plan is to post every Sunday afternoon at approximately 12:30pm PST and bonus Wednesday posts at around 4:00pm PST. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled, you won't want to miss anything.

Now that we've taken care of the housekeeping bits, we can get on with the fun stuff.

The Process:

There are definitely many weeks where I feel uninspired and this one is no different. On top of my lack of inspiration, I had a mountain of homework at the beginning of the week weighing me down. It's been a hectic week but I managed to whip something up (aka took the time to learn how to do it from a YouTube tutorial, but more on that later).

I learned the feathering technique a while back but whenever I tried to utilize it, I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted to. Turns out, I was making it way too complicated. The key was bringing it back to basics and it looks just as interesting.

Due to the nature of this hairdo, it had to be done on damp hair. This made for limited practicing opportunities so I gave styling it dry my best shot. It just so happens that there was a reason why damp hair was specified in the instructions. In order to get the braid tight and keep the feathered strands together, they had to have something, like water, to prevent the strands from breaking free and unraveling while the hair was being worked with. Each attempt with dry hair left me frustrated and the braid didn't turn out so I resigned to my restricted practicing schedule. 

Because I had such a frenetic week, I considered saving this hairdo for the third week of February but in the end, I decided to practice it twice with damp hair after my showers and hope for the best on Friday. You'll come to find this is the way #hairoftheweek ends up happening (which is why sometimes they don't turn out looking as perfect as they do when I practice them /sigh/).

The Tutorial:

Since I was already familiar with the feathering technique, I didn't have to learn anything new this week but Bebexo walks you through it in her "Loop Braid Hair Tutorial" video. All it really is is taking out a small section of hair from the two outer chunks of hair as you're braiding and adding them back in for the next stitch. Does that make sense? Maybe you should just watch the video...

The Result:

Drumroll please...

2.6.15 feathered braid (x)
Ta-da! The feathered braid. Make sure you go give it a like on Instagram! It's officially the most liked #hairoftheweek post so far, beating out Aurora's twistback's 26 likes!

The Verdict:

I was surprised by the amount of positive feedback I got for this #hairoftheweek. I, personally, thought it was a little plain but I think it might be because I essentially already knew how to do this hairstyle. I did have to get up earlier Friday morning to wash my hair (believe me when I say this was no easy task) and get it damp enough to achieve this look but I think it was worth it - it always is. This is the first time I wore the feathered braid for longer than 5-10 minutes and it held pretty well. The moisture in my hair definitely kept it together (my hair didn't actually dry until I took it out of the braid). Throughout the day, I was expecting more flyaways and ends sticking out where my hair wasn't long enough... Honestly I'm not sure why I still have this problem. Have you seen the length of my hair?! Nonetheless, I'm very happy with the outcome and it was definitely a pretty way to end my week. What do you guys think?

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. "a little plain" YVETTE (see my text about my sister's face)

    1. I just think maybe everybody is a little too easily impressed... (tell her to read my blog)
