Sunday, February 15, 2015

#hairoftheweek: Mermaid Heart Accent

Happy (day after) Valentine's Day!  I hope everybody had a somewhat pleasant day. It was really just another Saturday for me. We had dinner plans with family anyway so there was no time to mope, not that I have anything to mope about. Now would be a good time to head out and grab some discounted chocolate, though.

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The Process:

Knowing that Valentine's Day was on the horizon, I made sure to keep heart-shaped hair tutorials on my radar for the past couple weeks. This is #hairoftheweek's first Valentine's Day and while I myself am not overly hyped about the holiday itself, I do like hair and heart-shaped things. What better time to combine the two than on Valentine's Day? When I first saw this hairstyle, I was a little skeptical because doing hairstyles at the back of your head isn't always the simplest task. Thankfully, this hairstyle was a breeze. I had some troubles at first because I wasn't using enough hair and that was causing the whole heart to look lopsided and lumpy. Throughout the week, I worked out the kinks and wore it out for the first time on Thursday. Since this hairdo is basically effortless, I decided it'd be worth wearing it to school as well as on the actual holiday. The final product is from Valentine's Day proper (but I'm not gonna lie, I wore the same thing on Thursday as I did Saturday). As my luck would have it, I managed to nail the first attempt on Thursday but come picture day, seventh time's the charm. C'est la vie.

The Tutorial:

Per usual, I did not come up with hairstyle on my own. This was inspired by Cute Girls Hairstyles' Mermaid Heart Braid the link to the blog post is here. CGH had a series of hearts going down her hair but since I do all my hairstyles on my own, I couldn't reach that far back and having just one is really sweet and simple. I'm all about simplicity. I also thought just having the accent might look a little more mature than a whole row of hearts ending in a ponytail. I have tried typing out an explanation on how to make the heart but it's easier done than said. I'd suggest watching the Cute Girls Hairstyles' video.

The Result:

Here it is!
2.14.15 mermaid heart accent (x)
Isn't it sweet? It's a really lovely half-up hairstyle and is a charming surprise when people see the back of your head the first time. Don't forget to check it out on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

The overall hairstyle was rather sleek, seeing as my hair was straight and not curled. I was slightly annoyed by the shorter front pieces of my hair falling out where my fringe would be but that's a personal problem and was a definite quick fix with a bobby pin. Because I was only making one heart, I could situate it level with my ears and I quite liked the look of that rather than up by the crown. It definitely allowed for more hair to be used in the heart without it looking strange in the front. One of the problems I had while practicing, as I had mentioned earlier, was with the amount of hair I was using. When I was still following the tutorial, they were using less hair because they needed to save some for the next couple hearts. By the time I was making the heart by memory, I pulled larger chunks of hair on accident and it not only evened out the lopsidedness of the heart but it also covered the hairtie used in the first ponytail. More hair also allowed for a fuller heart which looks really romantic, in my opinion. Obviously, this would look great with curled hair. With curls the accent would pop out since it'd be the only part made of straight hair. Unless you choose to curl all your hair and use the curled pieces to make the heart...? Hmm. What do you think? You should definitely give this one a shot because it really is one of the easiest and quickest #hairoftheweeks I have ever done. Let me know if you do! For more #hairoftheweek, make sure you follow me on Instagram!

Talk to you soon,

xo, Yvette


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Definitely send me pics when you try it!

  2. Girl, the back of your head is ridiculous

  3. I'm not sure why I struggled so hard to find the heart. It's pretty obvious.
    Super cute. Love it!

    1. We all have our strengths. Thanks, Steph! :)
