Sunday, May 1, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Rosette Duo

There have been plenty of sunny days this April but true to the saying, there have also been some stretches of wet days as well. What better time for this hairstyle than the transition from April to May? It's very fitting. This hairstyle has a lot of meaning (mostly because I injected meaning into it) so it's special for that reason.

The Process:

This is one of those hairstyles that blossomed from an element of another hairstyle that I'd be working on earlier. Originally, the Traveling Lace Braid was a bit more complicated but I was not feeling up to putting in the extra effort. I gave myself a pass that week because it had inspired me to do a floral hairstyle for the end of April. My original caption was the tagline in the Result section but my roommate's birthday was that week so I decided to dedicate it to Diamond instead. In my head, it started out as a trio with different types of braids making up the (different sized!) flowers, but my hair didn't like that so I took a step back and stuck with two rope braids. Keep it simple. It was also more symbolic that way, seeing as it was Diamond's 20th and there were now two flowers. Maybe my hair was trying to tell me something.

The Tutorial:

Technically this is a very easy hairstyle but you definitely need to give it a practice run or two to see what works best. (1) Part your hair to one side and brush through it. (2) Take the front 1.5 inch of hair on the heavy side of the part to make your first rope braid. (3) Twist the individual strands towards your face and braid them together away from your face. The entire braid should be 6-8 inches long, depending on how thick your braid is and how tight you want your flower to be. As a general rule, the thicker it is the shorter the rope and vice versa. (4) Once you've tied it off, make a loop with the entirety of the braid, tucking in the elastic behind the "petals." Since I did this on the left side of my head, I wound it up clockwise. (5) Use bobby pins to secure the flower to itself as well as your head. It's best to get one going horizontally through the top and another horizontally through the bottom to get a foundation and adjust from there. I ended up using a mini bobby pin to keep the end with the elastic securely hidden because my regular bobby pins did not reach that far. (6) Make sure the first rosette is secure before moving on to the second one. (7) Go back to where you have hair free and take a chunk of hair about the same size as the first and repeat Steps 3-6. (8) If there are any petals that have been squished or are lopsided, this is the time to gently massage them to fan them out. (9) Carefully brush your hair so the ends of the braids blend in with the rest of your hair and you're good to go!

The Result:

4.25.16 rosette duo (x)
You know what they say about April showers... Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

These flower-type hairstyles are not something my hair agrees with, but even fighting nature was worth this hairstyle. I'm sure it'd be much easier on a texture that isn't so stiff and rigid. Actually, I think this hairstyle would look really nice with wavy hair. Curly hair might be too distracting and would actually take away from the rosettes, but a little texture would make for a gorgeous soft look. It's kinda hard to get the bobby pins in a position where they aren't visible and cutting across the middle of the flower, but it's totally doable. Just some practice and some strong bobby pins. I would definitely say the fewer bobby pins the better. I found that the elastic was much bulkier than the rest of the hair (obviously) so it liked to creep its way out and make an appearance, which is rather rude. I combated this with a mini bobby pin and that semi-worked. One of them held on tight but the other one didn't grab on to enough hair underneath to keep the end in place. Again, it's probably much easier if you do not have Asian hair. Overall, I'd give it a shot but it'll probably take practice to get it just the way you want it.

What do you think of this hairstyle? It's so cute and perfect for spring. I would say it's probably easier to do this on someone else, but as I have demonstrated, a DYI is not impossible. As always, follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek! Don't forget that the person with the most first likes at the end of the season will win an extra vote for Fan Favorite! We're heading into Week 6 now so it's very very close. Make sure you jump on that train while you have the chance!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. Elastics these days... So rude.

  2. It almost looks like Celtic knots. Like a hybrid between a Celtic knot and a flower.

    1. Hmm, that might be a future #hairoftheweek...
