Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Coping Through the 2016 Election

This post is not like any blog post you've seen on xo, Yvette thus far. I, along with many other Americans, have been experiencing a lot of negative emotions lately and they're stronger now than ever before. When I started this blog, I wanted it to be a place where I could document all the things, both big and little, that make life worth living. I also try my best to keep things on a lighter note and cultivate a positive environment, but it's harder to do that when something cataclysmic occurs. Since I understand that my feelings are valid (no matter how many people try to tell me otherwise), I let myself feel them, but it can be immensely draining and we all need to find a way to cope with the emotions being thrown our way. I'll take a quick break to dry my tears and to clear my nasal passages before taking a deep breath and sharing my methods for coping with this election.

Life has been crazy all-around recently and it's thrown me way off my game. Most of the things I'm dealing with are personal, but it was the election, and the results of said election, that dealt the fatal blow. I'm still trying to process everything that's happened and I'm doing my best to wrap my head around all the implications of this but I haven't made much progress. Going through the five stages of grief (and never reaching the fifth one) multiple times in less than a week has left me exhausted and my well of tears nearly empty, but not yet depleted.

Many people look to their faith for comfort but as a person of no faith, I have to find other forms of sanctuary. If you had asked me last week what I do to cope, I would've told you I'd escape to my books. I still retreat to my fictional worlds, but it's not as effective as it used to be. It calms me to be able to find a brief reprieve from reality, but all it is is a distraction. To help me sooth and work through my worries in this trying time, I turned to Broadway. There seems to be a musical for every occasion, but these are the ones that I have sought out recently to help me get through my days.

I turn to Newsies, to remind me that we can seize the day, fight the crooked businessman threatening our well-being, and win.

I turn to Annie, because the sun will come out, maybe not tomorrow, but it will come out.

To Avenue Q, because life can really suck but the we're all going through it together and, except for death and paying taxes, everything in life is only for now.

To Legally Blonde, (despite its questionable feminism in the beginning) (I believe that's what we call character development, my friend) to remind me that you should never underestimate a woman because she'll do so much better than you ever expected, especially once she's set her sights on something she's willing to work for for her entire life.

To Mamma Mia!, because nothing lifts your spirits quite like good ol' groovy 70's ABBA.

To Hairspray, to remind me that you may be discriminated against on the basis of your size, skin color, age, sexuality, faith, or whatever else, but that does not change the fact that you're loved, you're beautiful, you're worth every good thing that comes your way, and you can be the revolution.

And, of course, I turn to Hamilton, because history is happening all around us. Because, in this uncertain time, we have to rise up and stand for what we believe in. Because sometimes we have to look to the past to find a path for the future. Because this American experiment is just that -- an experiment -- and we can change the outcome (especially when we have all these wonderful immigrants getting the job done).

I was in a rocky mindset when I started writing this post but listening to these songs (and the rest of the cast recordings, if I'm honest) helped me find some semblance of peace. I know I'll still be shaky and shedding tears for a while but this post has been a much-needed therapeutic experience in a world where I don't have a high power to call upon. I hope it can help you the way it helped me. Things aren't okay and that's okay. It's okay to not be okay. My goal here was to bring a little bit of inspiration, positivity, and a splash of humor (in my song selecton) to the world the only way I know how now. Learning that I can't bury my head in my books and wish away my problems has been a rough journey. If nothing else, I hope you found something new to love about Broadway. Feel free to continue the list by leaving the songs or musicals that help you during hard times in the comments below.

Talk to you soon.

xo, Yvette


  1. I've also been getting through the week with the aid of a dose of Hamilton (esp with the addition of the mixtape).
    What I Did For Love from A Chorus Line has been on repeat as well and I've definitely shed a few tears while listening to it the last few days.

  2. I wish I had read this the day you posted it. It might have helped my stress levels.

    "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" is good for hope.
