Sunday, November 6, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Knit Sweater Braid

It's been a weird week but at least I kicked it off on a positive note with a very comfy hairstyle. That was a good call on my part because I ended up really needing that comfort. At least we've got some short weeks coming up! The holiday season always comes through for me. I'm already so excited for Christmas, but I'm getting way ahead of myself. Let's come back to the present and this Knit Sweater Braid, why don't we?

The Process: 

Last week I thought up this braid while I was missing my four strands and, in my head, I thought it would look something like a spiderweb with all the individual strands. When I put it into practice, it didn't end up looking like a web of any sort but I still looked complicated and cool. I asked around to see what my friends thought of it and I heard them say it reminded them of ropes or sweaters. You know, woven things. Turns out it didn't matter if my hair didn't end up resembling a web at all. It still looked like something it wasn't so I could use it for Halloween. Score!

The Tutorial:

Think of it as knitting a blanket for your shoulder. (1) Brush your hair and bring it all over one shoulder. (2) Separate your hair into four sections; one small, three large. I did this by dividing my hair into three sections as if I were going to do a regular three strand braid and stole some hair from the middle and outside section to make a small strand. My middle and outside strands tend to be bigger than the inside strand anyway. (3) Move three strands out of the way and work on one of them. I chose to work inside out. The middle strand went behind my back, the small third strand under my armpit, and the outside strand in front of my shoulder but separated from the inside strand. If that's too confusing you can clip them or tie them off individually but I like to make things hard for myself. (4) However you decide to keep your strands separate, braid the three larger strands regularly and rope braid the small strand. (5) Once that's all done, start four strand braiding! If you aren't super familiar with four strands, start with the inside strand and say "over, under, over, under" until you get to the other side and swap your inside (travelling) strand for the outside strands. (6) Four stand braid until you can't go any further and tie it off. (7) Make little adjustments if necessary and release any extra elastics that are cramping your style. I had one that was higher than the elastic keeping the entire braid together so I let that one be.

The Result: 

10.31.16 knit sweater braid (x)
Keepin' it cozy. Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

After doing this braid a couple times I realized I drew inspiration from the Centipede Braid. Just a lot easier. There's also a lot more going on so it looks more cohesive. I really liked wearing this braid becuase it really did feel like I had a blanket draped over my shoulder. It was also nice how there weren't that many ends sticking out since each individual braid was smaller. It never got in my way like thicker braids tend to do. 9/10 would wear again.

Shoutout to all my homies for helping me come up with a name for this one. It could've gone so many ways. What did you think of this braid? I have four more hairstyles to go this season (five if you count bonus) and I'm committed to side braids. If you have any suggestions for braids or elements that you'd like to see incorporated in a side braid, I'd love to hear them! And as always, follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek and that extra Fan Favorite vote is still up for grabs!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. I happen to be very cold at the moment and just looking at this made me feel warmer

  2. It looks like it would keep the side of your head warm. And neck too, I guess.

    1. It was really warm more like a blanket than a sweater, really.
