Sunday, January 17, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Braid Flip Combo

As promised, I used a tutorial this week! I gave Youtube a gander but nothing spoke to me so I decided to go into my archives. Turns out I found the perfect hairstyle for this week a little over a month ago. You go, past Yvette! I really like this hairstyle because it's so cute and casual but there's also a little extra in there to keep it interesting. I hope you like it as much as I do!

The Process:

For the last three months, I've been watching hair tutorials at about the same rate as normal but I haven't been able to utilize them so I've got quite a few stocked up. Over winter break, I was thinking of ways I could spice up a flipped ponytail but I couldn't think of anything. Sometimes the answer is the simplest. Going back to find a tutorial for this week, I rediscovered this one that was essentially a flipped ponytail plus and I knew it was the one for this week.

The Tutorial:

You can follow along with Cute Girls Hairstyles' Braid Flip Combo video but I'll walk you through it myself. (1) Take about an inch of hair from one side of your part and braid normally all the way down. Start the braid at your temple. Tie it off. (2) Repeat on the other side. In the video, she tied the two together at the back of her head right away but I saved this step until the end because I didn't know where my ponytail would end up. (3) Pull the remaining hair into a low, loose ponytail and flip it. Tweak as needed. (4) When your ponytail is the way you like it, bring the two braids to the back and adjust them to where you want them to be. Tie it off there and pull the tails through the hole where you flipped the ponytail. (5) Make sure the hairstyle is to you liking then untie the tails on each braid. (6) Loosen the flip as needed and brush the tails of the braids out so they blend with the rest of the ponytail. The hairstyle is done!

The Result: 

1.13.16 braid flip combo (x)
Diamond said it best when she helped me caption this Instagram: two is better than one! Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

I usually like to wear my ponytails on the side so I tried flipping the ponytail like I normally would (slanted at a 30-ish degree angle) but that was hideous do not try it at home. I went with making the ponytail straight back but pulling it over my shoulder to wear on the side. Other than the fact that the braids like to pop out a little, this was the perfect hairstyle. And ever that bump in the road was an easy fix -- just tug on the tails so it'll be flush with your head. I loved that this hairstyle was so quick. You could certainly make it more complicated if you wanted to. It wouldn't be difficult since these are two basic components so you could dress it up any way you'd like.

This hairstyle is really cute and fun! If you liked this hairstyle, don't forget to follow me on Instagram for more #hairoftheweek! Remember to turn on notifications to get as many first likes as you can if you want to win that extra vote for the fan favorite at the end of the season!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. I am like three days late holy cow

    I think this might already be my fan favorite pick tbh

  2. I'm much later than Amy.

    It almost looks like a heart, so this would be really cute for Valentine's.

    1. Ladies, please, this isn't a competition. There's enough late to go around.

      Omg, it so would. I'm always on the lookout for heart-shaped hairstyles.
