Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Book Talk: June Uppercase Box Review

Before I had subscribed to any subscription boxes, I thought the month wait for the next box would be torture but, this time at least, it was the perfect interval. There was enough time for me to read the previous month's book without feeling rushed as well as a short enough span afterwards that went by too quickly for me to get restless. I think this box actually shipped early because they advertise that the boxes will go out on the fifteenth every month but it was in my mailbox by the sixteenth. Score.

Everything but the book and the tote.
I didn't think I needed to get a picture of the unopened package because it was nearly identical to last month's and I think it's safe to assume it'll look pretty similar every month. Be sure to check out last month's Uppercase Box review if you missed it! I was very excitable. The two goodies this month are a Deathly Hallows magnet and a tote bag with an Uppercase exclusive design. The magnet is from Juniper and Ivy Designs, whose specialty is laser engraved wood designs. Their Harry Potter magnets are $8 each and what I found interesting was that, unlike most other magnets I've encountered, the magnet is the same shape as the design. This way, there isn't a lump in the back. It definitely makes it a lot sleeker. That plus the wood gives it a classier look. That's assuming magnets can be classy... Stranger things have happened. 

Tote bag details.
I've been following Risa Rodil for years now and I'm a big fan of her work. Now that I think about it, I wonder how I discovered her... I just love typography. The second I unfolded this tote bag, I knew it had to be her. I was delighted when I found out that she had designed this specifically for Uppercase. The colors are so fun and the quote is my motto. I was surprised by how big the tote was when I opened it up. Right now I have about five library books in various stages of Wrap Up and they'd all fit comfortably in there together. I want to hold on to them until they're all ready to go back to the library so I can get some good use out of this tote bag. I'm a little too lazy to get actual measurements, but tote bags usual go for $18-24 so that's a good estimate. 

Signed by all three authors! 
Most subscription boxes ship around the middle of the month so this book was all over Instagram because not only did Uppercase feature this book, but OwlCrate did as well. It must've been frustrating for whoever is subscribed to both. I'm not mad about it, though. I was so excited when I read the handwritten note. A historical fantasy novel with "clever writing, hilarious banter, and pop culture references" is all I can ask for and more. From what I gather, My Lady Jane has three POVs which I assume are each written by one of the three authors. I haven't actually fully opened the book yet because I don't want to compromise the spine any more than I have to but it's been hard holding off (I have some library books I have to get to first). 

The contents of the box.
When I opened this package I wasn't expecting a book by three authors let alone three authors that I recognized. Of the three I have only read Jodi Meadows (her Newsoul (aka Incarnate) trilogy) and I've heard incredible things about her new series, The Orphan Queen. The other two authors, Cynthia Hand and Brodi Ashton, are names that I've heard floating around and attached to some highly praised novels. Maybe this book is the introduction and the extra kick that I need to finally get to some of their works! The book itself has deckled edges and on the spine of the book jacket there's an image of a ferret. It doesn't match the look of the rest of the jacket so it must be important. That, or it's an inside joke. I will accept either. 

History is my favorite subject and I'm all about pop culture references. They feel like memes for this time in society. I'm pumped to get to read this book as well as carry around that tote bag with me because it is seriously the cutest thing. I'm really loving this box and with the value of its contents almost double the price of the box itself, how can I not? What do you think of this box? Have you read this book yet? It came out earlier this month but I'm already hearing high praise on its Goodreads page. Perhaps I should brush up on my knowledge of Lady Jane Grey before I dive into this book? Yeah, I think I'll go do that now.

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. Would you ever consider signing up with Owlcrate? Possibly do a comparison post between the two book subscriptions and giving your two cents about which one you preferred?

    1. Maybe sometime in the future when having nearly $30 taken out of my wallet every month has become routine. OwlCrate is a bit pricier as well but it's not entirely out of the running!

  2. Definitely read "I'm all about pop culture" as "I'm all about poop" #yamy

    1. That's a given it no longer has to be stated explicitly.

  3. That tote bag is perf. Also, I'm fully behind the wood having a classic look thing.

    1. I love that tote bag so much I'll use it to carry a single book to the library. Kinda unnecessary, kinda living for it.
