Sunday, June 26, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Spring 2016 Recap

Recaps are always a lot of fun for me to write. It's like a walk down memory lane for the last twelve weeks. I get to see all the nice photos I've taken of my hairstyles while I talk about them some more and give you my insights after being weeks or months removed from these hairstyles. I like to think of these as a final portfolio of sorts. I mean, I do write one up at the end of every academic quarter. Thank goodness this is a lot more fun.


French Four Strand Accent 

3.30.16 french four strand accent (x)
This hairstyle was a fun one for me to do because having an even number of strands makes it both a French and a Dutch braid at the same time. You already know I can't say no to a good four strand braid. It's no surprise it made it to #hairoftheweek. Read more about this hairstyle here

Skills: four strand braiding
Materials: one small elastic
Difficulty: easy
Time: 5 minutes


Mermaid Pull Through

4.7.16 mermaid pull through (x)
I knew this hairstyle was kinda Tumblr, but I didn't think it would turn out this Tumblr. I definitely have Amreen to thank for capturing this moment of me making sure my bra strap wasn't showing and turning it into something that's such a look. If I had pulled my hair back more strategically, it wouldn't have looked strangely fluffy. You can't tell from this photo, but trust me, it's there. I felt really cool wearing the Mermaid Pull Through regardless and it's the perfect summer hairstyle. Read more about this hairstyle here

Skills: arm stamina, n/a
Materials: many small elastics (I used ten)
Difficulty: easy (but tiring)
Time: 25-30 minutes

Traveling Lace Braid 

4.14.16 traveling lace braid (x)
This #hairoftheweek was the result of frustration and tired arms. I was trying to do an S-braid but my hair just was not having it no matter how much I practiced. I gave up eventually but I didn't want all my hard work to go to waste. I backtracked to the last place where I thought the braid looked okay and tied it off there. It ended up not looking too shabby. In fact, the more I look at it, the more I seem to like it. I can even picture it with some loose curls at the ends. That would be cute especially with a bow or a ribbon or some sort to hide the elastic. Read more about this hairstyle here!

Skills: lace braiding
Materials: one small elastic
Difficulty: easy
Time: 2 minutes

Double Bubble Fishtail

4.19.16 double bubble fishtail (x)
You know how sometimes you see something and you just know it's The One? That was this hairstyle for me. I wasn't searching too hard for a hairstyle this week (don't want to look desperate in front of all the other hairstyles, do we?) but this one popped up on my Instagram feed and I was instantly smitten. It helped that it was a hairstyle I could dissect without the help of a tutorial. My hair was a smidge too stiff for this hairstyle (the last bubble will tell you as much) but that didn't stop me from loving the crap out of this fishtail. Read more about this hairstyle here!

Skills: fishtail braiding
Materials: seven small elastics (depends on how many bubbles you make, the equation would be y=2x-1 with y being the number of small elastics you'll need and x being the number of bubbles you'll be making)
Difficulty: easy
Time: 10 minutes

Rosette Duo

4.25.16 rosette duo (x)
Before every season starts, there are a couple weeks where I know I have to do something special so I plan for those as far in advance as possible. The occasion this week was my roommate Diamond's birthday! I thought of this hairstyle in calc one day and it was originally going to be a trio but when I practiced it, I ended up not having enough hair to make each rosette as substantial as I wanted them to be. I reconciled this revision by telling myself two was more symbolic since she was turning twenty. Three has no place in a twentieth birthday hairstyle. Read more about this hairstyle here!

Skills: rope braiding
Materials: two small elastics, four bobby pins, two mini bobby pins (optional)
Difficulty: medium
Time: 10 minutes



5.3.16 y-braid (x)
Similar to the Double Bubble Fishtail, this was a hairstyle that I came across on Instagram and saved the photo instantly. It was another one that was very easy for me to figure out and that made it all the more appealing. This braid looks so soft and lovely, I would be foolish to not include it in #hairoftheweek. What better way to start my month than with a hairstyle that looks like the first letter of my name? Read more about this hairstyle here!

Skills: Dutch fishtail
Materials: three small elastics
Difficulty: easy
Time: 15 minutes

Rapunzel Faux Braid 

5.8.16 rapunzel faux braid (x)
Another hairstyle that came from a lot of failed attempts at other hairstyles, the Rapunzel Faux Braid was an exasperated Yvette trying to come up with something in a last ditch effort. My arms were ready to give out when I clumsily and lazily let my hands do their own thing. Surprisingly, that tactic worked! When I took a picture in the mirror to check out my handiwork, I was amazed with what I came up and I scrambled to recall what my hands had done. This hairstyle was worn on a warm and sunny Mother's Day so I added the hair accessories in there at the last second and it was perfect for the bright spring day. Read more about this hairstyle here!

Skills: French braiding
Materials: eleven small elastics
Difficulty: easy
Time: 20-25 minutes

Warrior Braid

5.18.16 warrior braid (x)
The Warrior Braid was a long time coming. I had seen tutorials for different variations of the Warrior Braid around a while back and I knew I'd be able to do at least one of them. I think it was that knowledge that allowed me to push it back for so long. I kept telling myself that I could save this for a rainy day. The day I decided to try this hairstyle was a little drizzly and it was on a whim that I thought I should maybe do my hair. I'm glad I did. Steph and I ran into the perfect spot to take this #hairoftheweek photo and it just so happened to match my peasant blouse. That's a sign that this hairstyle was meant to be. Read more about this hairstyle here!

Skills: Dutch fishtail braiding, regular braiding
Materials: two small elastics
Difficulty: easy
Time: 15 minutes


Four Strand Waterfall Spume 

5.24.16 four strand waterfall spume (x)
Happy birthday to me! Of course, my birthday hair is another one of those that I plan weeks in advance. I was so excited when I found the tutorial for this hairstyle. It combines an element I love (four strand braid) with an element that I have yet to master (waterfall) and, bonus, it's a side braid. This hairstyle screams me. I like to challenge myself for my birthday hair and this most definitely counts as a challenge. I mean, I can't even get a basic three strand waterfall down and here I am jumping straight to a four strand waterfall. The "spume" wasn't the easiest thing either. In my practice run, it came out perfectly but the day of it ended up looking more like a log. Sigh. I used upwards of 20 elastics every time I practiced this hairstyle so going back wasn't really an option unless you have the time to restart. Once you get going, you're stuck with what you got. Read more about this hairstyle here!

Skills: four strand braiding, waterfalling
Materials: many small elastics, two bobby pins
Difficulty: medium
Time: ~25 minutes


Multistrand Pull Through

6.3.16 multistrand pull through (x)
I originally had the current Bonus #hairoftheweek slated for this week, but I realized I would be missing a great opportunity if I wore it too soon so I made the executive decision to push it back. That left me with about a day to find a replacement. I tried checking out some of the hair blogs that I hadn't visited in a while and I was lucky enough to find a hairstyle that worked for the occasion! I wanted to come up with a name for beyond the description for this hairstyle but as I saw the many different looks that could come from this technique, I realized that the end result will be different for everyone. Like the many other factors that go into this hairstyle, time varies as well. It all depends on how many strands you use and how close your "bubbles" are and the list goes on. I think this would be a great ponytail (obviously that's impossible for me to do on myself so I stuck with a tried and true side braid) or potentially pigtails, even. Definitely one to try on younger children. Read more about this hairstyle here!

Skills: the specific handhold that you will discover when you try this hairstyle
Materials: several small elastics (one more than the number of bubbles you have)
Difficulty: medium
Time: ~20 minutes

Fan Favorite

#tbt Rapunzel Faux Braid

6.9.16 #tbt rapunzel faux braid (x)
When I would ask for Fan Favorite votes in the past, they would come pouring in but this season it was more of a trickle. This left me no time to practice since every free moment I didn't use for studying was spent packing up the apartment. I was lucky that it turned out okay because I was wearing it for an induction ceremony to an honor society. Not the best time for a bad hair day. In my haste to get my hair done, I didn't take care to make it look neat but I think my rushing gave it a different look that really worked. Read more about this hairstyle here

Skills: French braiding
Materials: eleven(ish) small elastics
Difficulty: easy
Time: 20-25 minutes



6.14.16 x-bun (x)
This was the hairstyle that I had planned for the final #hairoftheweek of the season. When I realized I would be seeing the new X-Men movie this week, I didn't hesitate to push the X-Bun. It was messy and a little hard to control but totally worth it. Nothing beats the satisfaction of making X-Men and the X-Bun happen at the same time. Read more about this hairstyle here!

Skills: regular braiding, top knot
Materials: two small elastics, two
Difficulty: medium
Time: ~15 minutes

Whoo hoo! We're officially done for the season! Thank you for participating! #hairoftheweek would be no fun without you. I also have to extend my gratitude to my photographers Steph, Mikaela, my mom, and last but not least Amreen. Amreen took nearly half of them this season. Having help really allowed me to broaden my horizons when it came to choosing hairstyles. What did you think of this season as a whole? Are there any types of hairstyles you'd like to see in upcoming seasons? I'm going to try to utilize this summer to practice some new hairstyles and I'd love to know what you're interested in!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette



    1. It's okay! It gave me something to be bitter about in my blog posts.

  2. I wish the bonus had been one of the candidates for voting. You know what, can we vote your X-Bun for president?

    1. This season it almost was eligible! X-Bun would be honored to be nominated.
