Sunday, December 4, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Deconstructed Fishtail

I am here to forewarn you that I did not give my all for this hairstyle. I'm still proud of it because I think it looks cool and I enjoyed wearing it, but I am simply too exhausted to be giving my all to anything. Not a good place to be in a mere week away from finals. At this point I just have to rest when I can and study and write when I can't. In two weeks it'll all be over. Music to my ears, truly.

The Process: 

Velcro. Penecillin. Play-Doh. All accidental discoveries that changed our everyday lives. The only thing they have in common with this hairstyle was that they were discovered on accident. The Deconstructed Fishtail probably won't change your life. If it does, please let me know! I'd be honored to know how it possibly could affect your life beyond wearing it. Basically, I was messing around, got frustrated, and found out a way to make your fishtail look different every time. Kinda like that crackle nail trend a few years ago.

The Tutorial:

This one is as easy as it gets. (1) Brush your hair and bring it all over one shoulder. (2) Fishtail braid your hair all the way down as tight as possible. (3) Tie it off. (4) Going from top to bottom, measure one third down and flip the bottom two-thirds from the back to the front. This will loosen the fishtail. If it gets tighter you went the wrong way. (5) Repeat at the 2/3 mark. (6) Let gravity take care of the rest.

The Result: 

11.30.16 deconstructed fishtail (x)
It's actually cold enough to wear my Icelandic sweaters! I'm so happy. Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

Honestly, I thought this fishtail would fall apart within the hour but surprisingly it held up better than regular fishtails. I have no explanation for this. Eventually there were pieces that did fall out, but even then it fared better than my regular fishtails. It's possible I'm giving it more leeway because this hairstyle is a lot messier than a "messy" regular fishtail could ever be so I let it happen. It's part of the Look. It is a very loose hairstyle so I wouldn't expect it to stay in for long if you're having an active day but for a slow day you want to casually dress up, this is the hairstyle for you.

I was being lazy with this one, but I still think it looks cool. Minimum effort for maximum results. I mean, it's not something you could achieve without flipping it, so I say it counts. What did you think of it? As always, don't forget to follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek! And it's time to cast your vote for Fan Favorite so do so as soon as possible! You can vote by commenting on the Instagram of your choice indicating that that's the one you want to choose.

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. I think I still have crackle nail polish somewhere. And minimum effort for maximum results is what engineers do all day from what I've learned.

    1. It's funny because I love nail polish, but I never got on the crackle nail polish train. It happened a year or two before I took an interest.

  2. Deconstructed Fishtail is such a Band Name™
