Sunday, September 18, 2016

Book Talk: Intergalactic Book Tag

Blogging on the road can be a but of a struggle, but I found the time to put together this fun book tag for this week! I love space and I love books and there is no wrong way to combine the two. Who cares that this tag was popular months ago? Space and books are always on trend.


name a book that is out of this world - that takes place in a world different from our own

I found this prompt to be a difficult one because I read so much fantasy it was hard to find just one. I also didn't want to repeat an answer so I hope I haven't put The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski in any of my book tags yet. I tried to choose one that wasn't specific to Earth and takes place in a different time period. Just to make sure there is zero overlap. 

Black Hole

name a book that completely sucked you in

There are a lot of books I really enjoy and I rate them all five stars because Goodreads doesn't have a very effective rating system anyway so it doesn't really matter, but it made looking back to see which books I really really enjoyed a bit of a hassle. To avoid all that, I went with a book I read recently: Pivot Point by Kasie West. You get sucked in just reading the synopsis let alone the entire novel.


name a book you are anticipating so much that you wish you could travel at lightspeed to get to it

Originally I was planning on putting a Rick Riordan or a Sarah J Maas book in this slot but that's way too easy. I thought long and hard and came up with Blood for Blood, the sequel to Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin. Things didn't end... favorably for our protagonist so I'm curious to see where she goes from here and what other obstacles she will encounter. Will the sequel be able to capture the essence of the world set of in the first? We'll have to wait (until November!) to see.


name a book with a beautiful cover

My go-to answer for this question is always A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray. I could've tried to find another one because there are plenty of gorgeous covers out there but it's been too long since I've gotten to talk about this series. The watercolors and the two cities in their respective "times" are to die for. Of course its sequels, Ten Thousand Skies Above You and A Million Worlds With You are just as stunning. It would be a travesty if this series fell to the infamous, dare I say it? Cover change. *dramatic gasp*


name a companion set or spinoff series you love

The obvious choice for this prompt would be the Heroes of Olympus series, knowing me, but a series I don't think gets enough love is Maria V. Snyder's Glass Series. It's a spinoff of the Study Series but I didn't know that at the time and I read it before the original, giving it a special place in my heart. Now when I read the Study Series (new books have been coming out!) I look forward to the moments I get to spend with Opal and Devlin.


name your favorite romantic pairing that seems to have a gravitational pull to each other

In pretty much every book I read I end up loving the pairing so it was tough choosing just one with a "gravitational pull" to each other. My final choice was Noah and Echo, the couple in Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry that fit this description to a T. I know the series is a bunch of companion novels but I just can't get enough of these two. Thank god for novellas.

The Big Bang

name the book that got you started on reading

I honestly cannot remember which book really got the ball rolling on my reading career because it was so gradual it's impossible to tell. Instead of trying to pinpoint the time in my life where I started reading more regularly, I thought I'd choose my very first book for this prompt. My mom bought Walt Disney's Minnie Mouse and the Friendship Lockets for me when I was a baby (maybe even before I was born) so I grew up with it. It's probably what made me what to be an astronaut so bad.


name a short story or novella that you love

Most of the (memorable) novellas I've read are parts of series so it's hard to distinguish if I loved them truly because they were good or if I was just so invested in the property. It's also difficult to remember all of the novellas I've read and what happened in every one of them. Instead, I chose to go with a short story from one of the anthologies I love so much. "Love is the Last Resort" is a short story by Jon Skovron from Summer Days and Summer Nights. Of those 12 stories, this one was a stand out. I cannot even begin to describe how undeniably good this short story is (and it's short so you have no excuse to not read it).


name a book with multiple POVs

When I first read this prompt I thought I'd be searching forever to get the perfect book but it came to me sooner than I expected. Of course I went through my standard "ooh Rick Riordan would work for this" thought process before landing on My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows. It's a funny mix of odd characters that give this story a well-rounded telling.


name a book title that would be a great name for a spaceship

The brainstorming for this happened entirely on a plane so I was working with only what my mind could recall. I was working in my blogging journal so I had the books I took notes on in there to help supplement my memory. There were some gorgeous titles in there but none of them were good vessel names other than The Siren by Kiera Cass. It draws up an image of an old wooden boat with a mermaid figurehead and is probably a generic boat name but I can see it working as a spaceship name, too. I'm really curious to see what you come up with for this prompt because there are just so many good ones.

I tried to choose a variety of books for this tag and I hope I did a good job. There were a lot of runners up for these prompts so I could actually do this tag again with a whole new set of answers. I've got other things to get to first though so if you're willing to have a crack at it, go ahead! I'd love to hear what you come up with for these prompts. I think The Big Bang in particular is very interesting.

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette 


  1. I don't think it's possible for space and books to go out of style.

    Also, I have some of your past book tags as drafts for my blog, but I have yet to sit down and flesh them out. One of these days I will because they seem like fun!

    1. It's much more fun than that essay you should be writing or that homework you should be finishing. Just saying... ;)

  2. This is My Kind of Tag tbh. (My answer for The Big Bang is The Boxcar Children series; I read pretty much all of them in elementary school. Haven't gotten Ace hooked on them yet but I'm working on it.)

    1. Oh my god Boxcar Children was one of the books/series I was considering for that prompt I can't believe we'll be able to pass the torch on to Ace.
