Sunday, April 9, 2017

#hairoftheweek: Triple Knotted Half Up

Just when you think you're finally getting some spring weather, Mother Nature hits you with a storm. In April! I'm hoping that once this passes, it will be out of the weather's system and we can move on for some consistently pleasant weather. I've forgotten what it feels like to stand under the sun.

The Process:

Having just done an updo, I wanted to let some of my hair loose and go for a half up do this week. For the last two seasons I had experiemented with knots but they never amounted to anything more than tangled hair. Keeping knots and half ups in mind, I returned to my usual haunts and found this tutorial on Bebexo. I had to make a few minor adjustments to accommodate for my hair type but they turned out similar enough!

The Tutorial:

While this hairstyle may appear simple in theory, it can get a little bit tricky since nothing is connected. Patience and practice will go a long way!
(1) Brush your hair, but not too much. You want to have no tangles, but you also don't want to have staticky hair or flyaways!
(2) Take a 1/2-1 inch section of hair from your temples, clear away any excess hair, and bring it together in a knot. I kept my right section stationary and wrapped the left around it. It doesn't matter which direction you go in as long as it's consistent throughout the three knots.
(3) Loosely tie the knot (lol) off with an elastic.
(4) Repeat Steps 2 and 3 twice, each time picking up hair just under the previous section and trying to align the knots in a straight a line as possible.
(5) Once you have your three knots, you can go back and gently tug on them to make them equal in size. You want them to be big enough to cover the elastic of the previous knot.
(6) Use bobby pins to secure and you're all set!

The Result:

4.6.17 triple knot half up (x)
She was everything I dreamed she'd be. Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

Considering all the individual strands of hair that escaped this hairstyle, this was a surprisingly secure look. Perhaps doing this hairstyle with damp hair would remedy that problem. I don't think that would help much with the hairs falling out around my face, but I reckon those are beyond help. My favorite thing about this hairstyle was how everybody commented on it thinking it was all connected. I tricked them so good!!! Although I always wear my hair natural, I can see this hairstyle looking good with waves or curls or even doing knots all the way down. You'd need somebody else's help with that, of course, but it'd certainly be a unique look.

What do you think of this hairstyle? Let me know in the comments below! I like how they don't look like they're knots so it really throws people off. If you have suggestions for future #hairoftheweek hairstyles, give me a shout! I'd love to hear them! As always, don't forget to follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek and remember that the person with the most first likes at the end of the season gets an extra vote for Fan Favorite!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. It does look like they're all connected. Well played.

    And what is sun?

    1. I will take my bow. Just like the sun did all those months ago.
