Sunday, April 16, 2017

#hairoftheweek: Dutch Halo Braid

This week we have a spring/Easter inspired hairstyle! The sun is coming out to play more and more these days so I wanted to do a hairstyle that celebrated that. It's also a reason to play Beyonce on repeat, so I really don't see how this was anything but a good decision. 🌷🐝

The Process:

As with many previous #hairoftheweek hairstyles, there were a couple factors that went into this decision. The biggest one was that it was Good Friday and I felt a Halo Braid would be the most appropriate for the weekend ahead. I also wanted to do a different type of hairstyle from the three I'd done already this season. Spice things up a bit, you know? The Dutch Halo Braid was actually what I'd worn for this most recent New Year's Eve and it was a good look, but a lot has happened since then (like how I have a lot less hair now) so I had to switch up the technique for this #hairoftheweek to make it more doable on my hair and easier on my arms.

The Tutorial:

There will be a few more steps than you may expect for this hairstyle, but it ultimately makes the halo so much easier to achieve.
(1) Brush all your hair and part it to one side.
(2) On the heavier side, pick up a one inch section at the part and begin regular Dutch braiding tightly.
(3) Once you've braided to your temple, stop adding hair in to the bottom and continue on with a Dutch lace braid. I made it 2-3 stitches, depending on how much hair I was picking up.
(4) Braid in the general shape of a halo, but keep it tight and as close to the scalp as possible to account for future adjustments and pancaking.
(5) Switch your hands when it's necessary, continuing the Dutch lace braid.
(6) When I reached the other side of my part (aka the point where my part line meets the back of my head), I had to switch back, but my hands did not know how to cooperate. Instead, I stopped adding in hair altogether and finished the braid normally and tied it off.
(7) It'd be nice if my hair were long enough to wrap all the way around, but you can't have everything you want. To combat this, I picked up hair right where I stopped adding hair in to the previous braid and began another Dutch lace braid.
(8) Add in hair until you reach your face again (although I left a small piece right at the front to frame my face) and finish the braid regularly.
NOTE: It is very important that you keep this braid as close to the scalp as possible. When you come back around it's natural to start braiding away from your head. You also want to keep in mind the halo's shape. This isn't as big a deal because, guess what? Nobody can see both sides of your head at the same time. That being said, if the difference is too drastic, it ruins the effect.
(9) GENTLY pancake the braids so they are the same size and look generally ethereal. Aggressive pancaking runs the risk of turning your halo into a bird's nest. There are better looks.
(10) Take the second braid and tuck it underneath the first braid, creating a smooth halo. Pin as necessary.
(11) Do the same with your first braid, remembering to hide the ends well.
(12) Adjust any weird sections until you are satisfied with the overall look and you're good to go!

The Result:

4.14.17 dutch halo braid (x)
You're the only one that I want, think I'm addicted to your light. Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

Okay, so I'm kind of obsessed with this hairstyle? It looks so good and it holds up so well. I think it would be so gorgeous with some loose waves and a floral sundress. I was worried that my crap bobby pins wouldn't last throughout the day, but since this hairstyle holds itself up for the most part, I didn't have to worry much. I think I helped that I put in the pins horizontally so it could really get a grip on the hair underneath (and bonus: they're easier to hide than putting them in vertically). Imagine sticking some flowers in there... Or any other adornment really. Turn your hair into a real life Snapchat filter! Why not!

What do you think of this hairstyle? Would you wear it? Let me know if you do! If you have any suggestions for future #hairoftheweek hairstyles, don't hesitate to leave a comment! As always, don't forget to follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek and remember that the person with the most first likes at the end of the season gets an extra vote for Fan Favorite!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. This hairstyle seems very boho I like it! I could imagine it as a great style for a music festival too.

    1. Throw some texture into the hair hanging down and it'd be a perfect musical festival hairstyle!
