Sunday, March 12, 2017

#hairoftheweek: Tuxedo Fishtail

So far in my college career I've had a lot of chill dead weeks. All I had to do was make sure the material was fresh in my mind for an exam I would take on Wednesday or Thursday of the next week. No chance of that this quarter. My butt is getting kicked real thoroughly. At least now when I'm procrastinating I can open up Instagram and gaze lovingly at the Tuxedo Fishtail because it is 1) gorgeous and 2) gave me a break from the s t r e s s.

The Process:

While this hairstyle wasn't of my own creation, I wouldn't be able to point you to a tutorial. It's one of those that is so easy that people will assume you know how to do it. And they aren't wrong, it is very easy (I will be upgrading the difficulty to medium in my Recap because it killed my arms) but it's quite lovely in my opinion. I've seen this "technique," if you can call it that, in so many hairstyles around the internet, I figured it was about time I tackled it myself. I also had nothing planned because of the aforementioned dead week. Hopefully you think this hairstyle is pretty too. I would hate to have to add "delusional" to my list of stress symptoms.

The Tutorial:

Be generous with your time when attempting this hairstyle. You will need to give your arms breaks. There is no reprieve.
(1) Brush all your hair and section off a chunk from the top. Using the ends of my eyebrows as a guide, I took my fingers straight up and back until I reached the crown of my head and finished the section in a U-shape.
(2) Isolate that section from any other hair and gently begin to fishtail braid. By that I mean don't make it too loose, but don't tighten it up either. A relaxed grip is what you're aiming for.
(3) Fishtail without adding in any more hair until you're a little past your ears' halfway point then pause for a moment. This is a good place to rest one arm at a time.
(4) Pick up a sizable chunk of hair from around your temple and incorporate it into the fishtail. Do the same with the other side. Try to keep it a little tighter because it will fall apart if you don't.
(5) Continue fishtail braiding like normal for as far as you can go. You can't bring it over your shoulder to finish off without compromising those big pieces you pulled in so I would recommend resting when necessary.
(6) When you've gone as far as you can go (whether it's because your arms can no longer reach or if your arms get too tired), tie it off with a small elastic.

The Result:

3.10.17 tuxedo fishtail (x)
My favorite captions are the ones with a double (triple, in this case) meaning. Am I crying for help to get me through both dead and finals weeks? Am I listening to the Mamma Mia cast recording on repeat?? Is this hairstyle inherently loose and I happened to wear it on a windy day, causing it to literally fall apart??? Could it be all of the above?! You already have the answer to that. Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

The plan was to go halfway down my head, add in hair, and finish the second half. I clearly have more hair on top than I did on the bottom. To be fair, I did add in hair at about the halfway mark, my arms were just burning too much to justify fishtailing any further. As I mentioned earlier, this hairstyle is very loose and delicate. And yes, I did wear it on a fairly windy day. I'm just glad it stayed intact until I as able to get the picture taken. I think this is a very pretty hairstyle and is perfect for when you're not going to be very active. I would definitely wear it again. I would also considering doing it on someone else or having someone else do it on me because I can guarantee that would be far less painful.

Whoo hoo! That's all the hairstyles for Winter 2017! If you're reading this blog post the day it goes up, it is your LAST DAY to vote for your pick for Fan Favorite! You can vote by commenting on your pick, or by telling me via any other means of contact. Oh and heads up, we've got a bit of a scheduling issue so there will be three #hairoftheweek posts in a row. I only hope you aren't sick and tired of seeing my hair by the end of this month. As always, remember to follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette