Sunday, March 5, 2017

#hairoftheweek: Bubble Pigtails

How can each week go by so slowly and time still fly? There's no way it's already March. I can't complain, though. Every day that passes is another day closer to my vacations! Boy do I need a break. My whole body is rigid with pent up tension. At least when I'm doing my hair, my body gets to move in a way that it doesn't get to when I work on all my assignments so there is that refuge.

The Process:

The credit for this hairstyle has to go to Allison. She's the biggest Little Mix fan I know, so her keeping up with the girls is no shocker. When she sent me the pictures of Perrie's hairstyle, I was a little surprised because I had actually seen it earlier in the day but thought it was too out of my league. One of those professional-only hairstyles, you know? But when I took a closer look, I realized it wasn't too difficult! Obviously I would have to make some adjustments because we have considerably different hair types. Since it did seem fairly easy, I thought I'd give it a shot back at the beginning of this season. I figured since her hair was long, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to try it on my long hair. That was a misjudgment on my part. My hair did not agree and I just knew the only solution was to shorten it so I saved this hairstyle for the right time. A time when making bubbles wouldn't frustrate me. That's not a sentiment I ever thought I would have.

The Tutorial:

Personally I feel like this is a hairstyle that must be worn with a healthy dose of confidence. There is a potential for silliness, but if you can rock it you'll be getting compliments all day long.
(1) Brush your hair and divide your hair evenly down the middle. Tie or clip one half out of the way for the time being.
(2) Starting on one side of your head, section off the top third and tie it off with a small elastic close to your scalp. My hair texture does not allow for smaller bubbles so if yours does, you may want to section off the top fourth rather than third. It also depends on how much volume you want in your bubbles.
(3) Section off the next third and tie it to the tail of your first little ponytail, also as close to the scalp as possible.
(4) Make your first bubble by fluffing out only the tail of the previous section. If you tug on any of the new hair you've just tied in it will defeat the purpose and you will have to redo the section. TAIL ONLY!!!
(5) Repeat Steps 3 and 4 with the last third of your hair. Make sure you aren't leaving any strands at the bottom out!
(6) For any remaining hair, tie a small elastic about an inch or so underneath the previous elastic and fluff that up. I only had room for one more bubble but this obviously depends on your hair length.
(7) Repeat Steps 2 through 6 on the other side. Do your best to keep both sides symmetrical. It can be difficult since you aren't seeing where you're tying the elastics but try to check in every so often before you go too far with an unsightly unevenness.
(8) Do a last check to make sure your bubbles are about the same size and you're ready to go!

The Result:

3.3.17 bubble pigtails (x)
I was so focused on my haphazard mascara job that I completely missed my wonky eyebrow until literally just now. 🙈 Please feel free to distract yourself with the song that inspired the caption. Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

This hairstyle gave me such a hard time until I realized the reason why it wasn't working out was the length of my hair. Obviously it worked great for Perrie with long hair but mine was causing too much trouble for what it was worth. I still wanted to do this hairstyle, however, because I was interested in the look and I appreciated the suggestion. I am so glad I did because I ended up loving it. It's very wearable and makes a statement, especially if you wear it with a neon jacket. The only cons I can think of are taking the hairstyle out. It's sad, the elastics can make your scalp sore, and there's always an elastic or two that gets all tangled up. All minor complaints, tbh.

When I was asking Allison her opinion on this #hairoftheweek, she described the bubbles as waves, and that's how we settled on a caption. We tried just choosing a Little Mix lyric but they were all so good we were lost without some guidance. What do you think of this hairstyle? Would you ever wear it? Let me know in the comments below! As always, remember to follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek! And this was Week 9 so that means you have one last chance to get first like and win that extra vote for Fan Favorite!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. Replies
    1. You're too kind! Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. This is a fun one! (Oh yeah, this is Stephie by the way.) It does look like bubble waves!

    1. I want to cheer from the positive feedback and also cry from the Stephie.
