Sunday, February 26, 2017

#hairoftheweek: Half Up Top Knot

Despite it being shorter than normal, it was such a long week. There was too much happening for me to spare a moment to be creative about #hairoftheweek, so I didn't. This week I'll be taking a page out of Zoella's book and doing one of her signature hairstyles.

The Process:

Since I cut my hair, I have opened the door to trying some new stuff that longer hair wouldn't be able to accomplish. Too bad I haven't the time to be creative. I spent a few hours standing in front of a mirror trying this and that but nothing was working out for me. It s highly frustrating, so I whipped everything into a bun to take a shower. While cleaning my body, I realized that although I can no longer do a top knot with all my hair, there was nothing stopping me from making a bun with just the upper half! In fact, a Half Up Top Knot is not something my long hair would've been able to accomplish without it looking like a Bantu Knot and that, my friends, would have been cultural appropriation.

The Tutorial:

This tutorial shouldn't take too long. Just think top knot, but smaller.
(1) Brush all your hair and section off some hair. I chose to go from the top of my temples around the to crown in a U-shape. You could also do it in a V-shape, take all your hair from the ears up, or braid the top of your hair and use the tail of the braid for the bun. You've got options here, and I chose to go with the simplest.
(2) Tie this section of hair off as close to your roots as possible. It'll loosen up as you do the bun.
(3) Gently tug on the front section of your hair to give it a little volume or to smooth out any ponytail bumps.
(4) Use a brush or your fingers to gently but generously tease the ponytail.
(5) Twist the ponytail and bring it around the base, creating a bun.
(6) Use another elastic to hold it in place and tweak any parts that you don't like.
(7) Because of my hair texture, I have to use bobby pins to attach the bun to the top of my head. This also hides the elastic from the front.
(8) Fix anything you don't like and you're ready to go!

The Result:

2.24.17 half up top knot (x)
I finished crying in the instant that you left. Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

While this hairstyle is easy, I find it to be too unpredictable to be worn regularly. I had to do this bun three times in order to get it to look good. And for such a tiny bun! I felt silly trying to take a serious picture with this hairstyle because it is quite a cutesy hairdo itself. Actually, I felt silly trying to take any picture with this hairstyle because it was so difficult getting an angle that actually worked. I have some funny/frustrated outtakes. Thankfully after all my personal struggles, this hairstyle came through for me and stayed put all day long. I even took a little nap and it still looked fresh. Not too shabby.

What do you think of this hairstyle? Do you have any hairstyle suggestions for medium hair? I'd love to hear them! As always, don't forget to follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek and, believe it or not, the extra vote for Fan Favorite is still up for grabs! There are two more chances to get in the lead!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. I like this more than a regular top knot! And it's all coming back to me now!

    1. Here's one of those half up hairstyles for you!
