Sunday, October 30, 2016

#hairoftheweek: Carousel Braid

One exam early in the week can really throw off your groove, no matter how well you do. Seriously, I was in a daze all week just barely getting through the day and hardly remembering all the things I needed to do. One of those things being #hairoftheweek. I mean, is it still procrastination if you honestly forgot that it was something you had to do? Somehow I think that might be worse... At least I got to it eventually, right?

The Process: 

The fact that I finally pulled this hairstyle off is such a victory. I've been trying to do this braid since the first ever season of #hairoftheweek. That's like two and a half years for one hairstyle. Granted, I stopped trying for a while because I just got so discouraged. This week I decided to have confidence in my skills and all the practice I've gotten over the years and try it again. To my surprise, it actually worked!

The Tutorial:

Before beginning the carousel part of this hairstyle, you can do something with the top of your hair if you so wish. An accent braid or just a little volume would look really nice. (1) Brush all your hair over one shoulder and pull it into a side ponytail. Make sure there are no tangles. (2) Take a small section of hair from the side of the ponytail (the side closer to your neck) and begin lace braiding. (3) Add hair in to the top pieces only and angle it diagonally downward as you braid. (4) When you reach the other side of the ponytail, stop adding hair in for a few stitches. This will save you time and hair and awkward hand positioning. (5) Bring the couple stitches around the back and pick up where you left off on the other side, repeating Step 3. (6) Repeat Step 5 as many times as your hair length will allow and tie it off.

The Result: 

10.28.16 carousel braid (x)
Ignore the bottom of the braid... No amount of hairspray would keep those ends in place. Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

When I completed the second tier I knew I'd have issues finishing the braid. I know my hair well enough that I could anticipate the uncooperative ends of my hair. It's just too stiff and what was left of my hair to braid with was too short. I think you can tell I was losing control in the photo. Other than that issue, this braid was perfect. I loved the fluffiness of it and the sense of accomplishment masked any glimmer of disappointment about the difficult hair texture. That, and I'm super chuffed about the way the photo and the Instagram caption work together. It tells a story. Thanks, Taylor.

What did you think of this hairstyle? If you've tried this one, did you have trouble with it? I'm sure my difficulties with this hairstyle can be contributed entirely to user error. As always, follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek and don't forget the person with the most first likes at the end of the season gets an extra vote for Fan Favorite! This is week five and the extra vote is still up for grabs. Don't miss your chance!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. Tbh this one has my vote for fave so far

    1. This one is a really good one I'd say you have good taste.

  2. It does look fluffy. The only thing better than hairspray....
