Wednesday, November 25, 2015

#hairoftheweek: Fishtail Flip Crown

It's Thanksgiving week! I'll officially be on break the moment this blog post goes up and I'm sure you are already there. Hopefully I'll be able to relax a bit this long weekend despite my impending finals and paper... But right now I'm just so glad you are finally seeing this hairstyle because I was very very excited when I came up with the idea for it weeks ago.

The Process:

This hairstyle was one that I came up with at the beginning of the season but I wanted to save it because it was just that special. It's also a rather time consuming hairstyle. You can't throw that away on just any week. I had to save it for something big... like a holiday, perhaps? ;) The inspiration actually struck me on a walk to class and I could not believe that I had not come up with it before. I don't even know what my thought process was to lead me to this hairstyle but I'm so glad I hopped on that train of thought.

The Tutorial:

There's nothing too technical about this one but you're going to have to give yourself a lot of time. (1) Part your hair however you like, but try to avoid parting too deep because you want to leave enough hair for both fishtails. (2) For this hairstyle, you're going to start with Dutch fishtails before moving on the regular fishtails. To start, pick up two small pieces of hair right up along your part (close to the front) and begin a Dutch fishtail. When adding in pieces, you don't want to pick up too much hair (it'll make your fishtail too thick and end up look like a regular Dutch braid) but I'd also suggest not taking too small of pieces, otherwise you'd be braiding for days. Another tip: try to keep it tight. In the end you're going to pancake and really pull apart this braid so if you're braiding too loosely, your fishtail will just disintegrate. (3) When you reach your temple, you can stop adding hair in and fishtail regularly. On the side that starts at the temple, stop adding in hair when you feel like you've got enough hair to work with for the rest of the braid. (4) Halfway down your braid, pancake your progress so far before the braid is too long and you have difficulty pulling apart the top. (5) Finish the fishtail and pancake the rest of the braid before tying it off with a small elastic (to be removed later). (6) Repeat steps 2-5 on the other side. (7) Position your braids in a crown and tie it together with a small elastic. (8) Flip your fishtail crown twice to get the twists in the braids. (9) Once you're satisfied with the way your crown looks, you can release the temporary elastics on the fishtails and strike a pose because you're ready to wow the people.

The Result:

11.23.15 fishtail flip crown (x)
It's a shame you can't see the Dutch fishtail at the front but the back is really the main attraction. Don't forget to give it a like on Instagram you haven't already!

The Verdict:

This one of those hairstyles that came out exactly the way I imagined it, which is the most satisfying feeling. My favorite part is how the flips plus the fishtail gives the hairstyle so much texture but keeps it contained in the crown so it's perfect for a holiday dinner. The Dutch fishtail at the front adds a lot to the hairstyle because it makes the whole thing flow so much better. I got a bunch of compliments on this hairstyle so this would be a good one for a special occasion. If you're going to recreate this hairstyle, be sure to allot yourself at least fifteen minutes (twenty to be safe) because you're gonna need to take some breaks to rest your arms.

This year I'm thankful that practice makes better (and faster) because otherwise this hairstyle would've taken me f o r e v e r. Don't forget to check back this Sunday for November's Happy Hub and follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on the most recent #hairoftheweek. There's only one more hairstyle before it's time to vote for Fan Favorite so start reviewing your options! I hope everybody has a very happy Thanksgiving spending time (read: stuffing your face) with your family (and maybe do some shopping?)!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. You know what would look great with this? That Aeropostale dress.

  2. If you have to rest your arms a lot, then it must be a like a work out, so you can eat even more pie at Thanksgiving.
