Sunday, May 17, 2015

#hairoftheweek: Criss Cross Fishtail

I am so close to the end of the school year, it physically hurts. To anybody who's already out of school for the year, lucky you. Next week's #hairoftheweek is a very special one and will probably be a couple hours late due to the fact that it's my birthday and since I'm wearing the hairstyle on the day of, I'll need a little time to compose the verdict portion of the post.

The Process:

Years ago, I was wearing an inverse fishtail to school and while I was standing in the lunch line with Kassidy, she noticed the back of the inverse braid was a regular fishtail. I don't know if she remembers this, but she commented that it'd be cool if there was a way I could transition between the two. Well here it is! I played with this idea for a while after Kassidy suggested it but it kinda got swept to the sidelines since I wasn't doing #hairoftheweek yet and had no reason to wear it. Now that I do have an opportunity to wear it, I had a hard time coming up with a name for it. When I found a tutorial for it on Princess Hairstyles, I figured Criss Cross Fishtail was a good a name as any.

The Tutorial:

The Criss Cross Fishtail Braid tutorial on Princess Hairstyles has the regular fishtail segment first, but I personally prefer starting with an inverse fishtail (mostly because it's easier to control and get rolling) then transitioning into a regular fishtail. After that, there's nothing really different. Just start fishtailing until you're a third of the way (or halfway in my case) down and find a good place to switch. The actual transition can't really be put into words, but you get a feel for it once you're there. It may take a couple of tries but you'll get there. I have faith in you.

The Result:

5.15.15 criss cross fishtail (x)
Ooh, what's going on? Is that two types of fishtails in one braid?! You bet it is. If you haven't given it a like on Instagram, now's your chance!

The Verdict:

I originally had three segments and two transitions but for whatever reason, I couldn't get the transition from regular to reverse fishtail right so I made the executive decision to nix it. I actually wore the three segment for a couple hours as a practice run and the second transition completely fell apart. I guess I need more practice. I did have a little more trouble than usual controlling the strands, which is why I have all these pieces that stick out farther than the others. (I'm passing it off as ~texture~.) Other than that, I think this was an interesting twist on the fishtail (or reverse fishtail) that may earn a double take or two.

That's it for this post, check back on Sunday, May 24th, at maybe 2:30pm PDT for a very special (read: time consuming) #hairoftheweek! Also, don't forget to follow this blog either via email or bloglovin (or even Tumblr) and follow me on Instagram for more #hairoftheweek posts!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette

P.S. Last week, I got a new little succulent friend and it needs a name! I already have a list of suggested names, but your input would be highly appreciated as well! You can either leave your suggestion in the comments on this blog post, or on the Instagram post here! I will update the Instagram post via hashtags once its name has been chosen.


  1. Oooh remember how you practiced this while you were facetiming me and I was falling apart. Good times.

    1. You were falling apart, the braid was falling apart, it was a rough night.

    2. We survived together until my iPad died.

  2. The texture is superb. Gives it that little extra something.

    1. Thank you! I thought about pancaking it to even it out a bit but I decided not to risk screwing the whole braid up.
