Sunday, June 7, 2015

#hairoftheweek: Lace Up Braid

Dead week is over, which means finals are just around the corner. Thankfully, I've already done the final presentation for one of my classes. All that's left is a paper that's due tomorrow night and a test on Wednesday. Summer is so close, I can almost taste it. There is, however, the issue of packing and moving out. That should be fun.

The Process:

This is another hairstyle that Cute Girls Hairstyles posted a while back that I rediscovered when I was going back into the archives. I really cannot believe how simple it is. I'm surprised I hadn't done this one earlier since it's such a gem. I'm glad I was able to find a easy hairstyle because the last thing anyone needs during dead week is extra stress.

The Tutorial:

The Lace-Up Braid is so much easier than it looks, it's almost a faux six (seven?) strand braid but really it's just two regular three strand braids with one extra strand in the middle to tie them all together. Really. Just split your hair in half and section out a strand in between them. I'd recommend grabbing from your longest section of hair because running out before you reach the bottom is a real possibility. Make sure to tie off that individual section as well as the large chunk of hair you're planning on braiding second so they don't reunite with any other sections of hair. Obviously, the next step would be to braid the other chunk of hair. For hair as long as mine, I ended up skipping a bump every time I pulled the "lace" through the braid (other than the first two or three). To hide the "stitching" when lacing up your braids, pull the strand through from the front to the back. Once all that is complete, tie everything together and take out any extra elastics. I chose to gently massage the braid after I'd done this to give it a fuller look.

The Result:

6.4.15 lace up braid (x)

As I mentioned in my introduction, I had a presentation this week (which was really just pressing the play button on a video) and I decided to dress up my tresses for the occasion. Be sure to give this one a like on Instagram if you haven't already!

The Verdict:

Since I skipped a bump every time I laced the strand through, the braid was susceptible to folding in on itself. It wasn't that big of a problem, but still something to note. Other than that, I have no complaints about this hairstyle. I would recommend trying to keep the bumps on the inside as tight as possible (which can be difficult when you're trying to fit your fingers through to lace it up) in order to make the two braids as fluid and seamless as possible. It also helps if you get each braid the exact same size. I had one chunk that was a little thicker than the others and that threw things off a bit. Otherwise it looks really cool and it's really wide so it's basically a statement piece but made out of hair.

Can you believe that was the last #hairoftheweek for Spring 2015?! This means voting for fan favorite is officially under way! Let me know your pick via Twitter, Tumblr, comments on Instagram or this blog post. If there's a way you can contact me to put in your vote, I'll take it. There's one vote per person and every vote counts so don't be shy to choose your favorite! Your vote may be the one to push it over the edge! Once the Spring 2015 Recap is posted on Wednesday, voting will close three hours later (7:00pm PDT) so don't wait to get your vote in!

Talk to you soon!

xo, Yvette


  1. It's like two braids in one. What a great deal!

    1. When I practiced it, the inner bumps lined up perfectly so it looked like one cohesive braid. Not sure where I went wrong on the final one here, but ah well.

  2. I know I said this looks like it could be a blanket but I just realized that it looks exactly like a scarf a crocheted.
