The Process:
All season I have kept ponytails at the back of my mind. It had been a long, long time since I'd done one and it didn't make much sense since ponytails are such a staple. Why not find a quick way to spice it up? Unfortunately, I had been pushing off doing a ponytail because I didn't know what kind of spice I wanted to add to it. Luckily, I was reminiscing over past #hairoftheweeks this season and I realized I had yet to do a four strand braid! Truly disgraceful. Now that I had all the pieces, I was ready to assemble the final hairstyle!The Tutorial:
Know how to four strand braid? You've already got this one in the bag.(1) Brush all your hair.
(2) Section off the hair at the top of your head, using the arch of your eyebrows as a guide.
(3) Tie the rest of your hair out of the way.
(4) Take the first inch and a half of the loose hair and divide it into four equal sections going across.
(5) With very little tension (aka don't braid so tight!), braid a regular four strand braid.
(6) Once you've braided as far as you can go, tie it off with a small elastic.
(7) Shape the braid as you would like. I fanned it out as much as I could without it being patchy.
(8) Gather the rest of your hair into a more presentable high ponytail, excluding the braid for now.
(9) When your ponytail is final product-worthy, lay the braid over the top.
(10) Make sure the braid is centered and tie your ponytail.
(11) Adjust as needed and you're ready to go!
The Result:
5.19.17 four strand ponytail (x) |
The Verdict:
It's been a loooong time since I've done a hairstyle where everything was at the top of my head and I forgot how fun they can be. From the front it just looks like a regular ponytail, but if you're taller than me, which is not a difficult achievement, you get to see the little something extra that makes this hairstyle special. Since it's so simple, it's appropriate for everything. Just enough effort to take it a step above lazy, but not complicated at all.What do you think of this hairstyle? Let me know in the comments below! I'd love to hear your thoughts! As always, remember to follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on #hairoftheweek!
Talk to you soon!
This is a great way to pull back your hair and have a cute 'do for summer!